Soraix, Facilitator of Modern Digital Stock Exchange Services

Prai cool
3 min readNov 19, 2019


The current stock exchange has become one of the media that provides investment services favored by investors, which can happen because through the stock exchange investors can monitor the movement of stock prices every day with a predetermined deadline. Where it can make investors easier to find companies that are suitable to be used as an investment place and will produce high profitability. In addition, investors who buy shares on the stock exchange will also get proof of ownership of the company that has been invested, which with proof of ownership investors will get benefits in the form of dividends from the company and capital gains. Not only that, these investors can also trade these shares to other investors if the share price of the company experiences an increase, in which the investor will benefit from only the price of the shares sold.

However, transactions carried out on the stock exchange are also often mocked by hackers, in which the hackers will play the black market to raise stock prices at closing prices. Where the game will make certain stock prices rise dramatically and will decrease the next day drastically as well and it will also cause losses for investors. In addition, the stock exchange also uses a closed transaction system so that in the event of the black market play, the stock exchange cannot follow up on this problem, which is because the stock exchange cannot detect the person who committed the fraud. Therefore, the latest technology is needed that can provide the safest stock trading services and can avoid high risk. Where all these services can be enjoyed via the Soraix platform.

Soraix is ​​a Blockchain technology platform that provides digital stock trading and equity issuance services. Where through this platform various levels of society throughout the world can make investments that are safe and affordable prices, not only that, the platform will also allow all companies of various sizes to be able to issue company equity at affordable prices as well. So that with this platform the middle class can invest in, can also feel the value of the currency in a more comprehensive and improve the community’s economy for the better. In addition, the platform will also provide opportunities for new companies to be able to issue company equity and obtain additional capital from investors to develop their companies into companies that have maximum profitability.

Not only that, the Soraix platform will also market the equity of companies listed on the platform more broadly, with which marketing the equity of companies will be easier to find investors. In addition, the Soraix platform also has its own currency that has been symbolized by the SRX token, which the Soraix platform will benefit users who have SRX tokens. Where the platform has established innovative sales principles by setting a value equivalent or 1: 1, which if the user has 1 unit of SRX token and wants to exchange it for 1 unit of company equity token, then the user can exchange 1 unit of SRX token for 1 unit that equity, for example if investor A has 1 unit of SRX token at $ 0.5 and the company’s equity token is $ 2.

Thus investors can exchange 1 unit of SRX tokens to get 1 unit of the company’s equity token, even though they have different values. Certainly the determination of the sales principle will certainly be able to attract the interest of users to make transactions on the Soraix platform. In addition, users can also get SRX tokens by following the cwofunding conducted by the platform, which cwofunding will be conducted using the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) method. During the ICO period the Soraix platform will sell tokens at low prices, in addition, the platform will also give bonuses to users who have purchased tokens in the first two weeks and the last two weeks of 10% to 5% without any additional funds .

From the various reviews above, it can be concluded that the Soraix platform is a platform that can provide the most effective, easy and efficient stock trading services to all users, which besides that, the platform will also provide security guarantees for all users.

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