What are the Tools & Library that Are Really Helpful For Machine Learning or Data Scientist :

But Before We See Which tools are Important Let Discuss What are Those Word :

Prakash Mewari
2 min readMay 20, 2020

Machine Learning : Machine Learning is an application of Future AI .That will provide functionality to learn on you Own .

Simply Say : Machine Learning Primary Aim is to Allow the computer to learn Automatically . Based on the Past Experience.

Data Scientist : Data Scientist are those People who are Data Wrangler,Gathering and Analyzing Large source of Data.

Now Tools that are Important For Any Practitioner:

This are Some Tool’s Below :-

For Machine Learners And Data Scientist Tools

Including That There are Also Some library which we Need to Know :

  1. Pandas (For data Manipulation & Gathering)
  2. Numpy ( For Numerical Calculation & Scientific logic)
  3. Matplotlib (For Visualization)
  4. Keras ( Deep Learning )
  5. Scikit-learn ( Mostly Useful for Different Purpose Like Regression,Classification,Splitting etc)
  6. Seaborn (It is a For Graphical Purpose Mostly 2D,3D )
  7. Dask ( It is Useful for Extract and Work with Large amt of Data)
  8. MLBox (Fast reading and distributed data preprocessing/cleaning/formatting.)
  9. Scikit -Image (It is For Image Processing )
  10. PyTorch (It is neural network Library Work Efficiently with Images ,CNN,RNN)
  11. Feature Tools (Feature tools is a framework to perform automated feature engineering.)

Conclusion : That’s The Library That I find And I think That Was Useful To Us .

Happy Learning and Keep Always Learn :)

