Broken Link Leads to hijacking of Twitter Account

3 min readApr 3, 2023


How I was able to takeover / hijack over the twitter broken link of

What is Broken Link Hijacking?

Broken Link Hijacking is a technique used by attackers to take advantage of broken links on websites. When a website links to another page or resource, it’s possible that the linked page may be removed or moved to a new location, resulting in a broken link. Attackers can exploit these broken links by registering a new domain or website or social handle that has a similar name , username or URL structure as the linked resource.

Finding broken link and hijacking is always been known to the security researcher but how did I find that. :)

Motivation Behind Finding that Bug

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

I went for hunting bug of dutch gov after seeing cool swags they are providing and came across an multiple end-point of which were revealing sensative info .

I checked all the phpinfo.php and found remote-server ip and when i did multiple cross verify the ip , I found ip to be of a same range all started with same server x.x.x.0/24

Now I grabed all the live ips within x.x.x.0/24 for this i used fping for grabing live ip . Grabbing live ip was not enough which means i also had check for the country code if that ip domain belong to nl [Netherlands] which is my requirement so to do this I made a small python script .

fping command :

fping -a -g x.x.x.0/24 2>/dev/null > live.ip

python script to check the domain country:

import requests

# Open the input file and read the IP addresses
with open('live.ip', 'r') as f:
ip_list = [line.strip() for line in f]

# Loop through the IP addresses and check their country codes
for ip in ip_list:
response = requests.get(f'{ip}/country_code/')
if response.status_code == 200 and response.text.strip() == 'NL':

1-liner will be :

fping -a -g x.x.x.0/24 2>/dev/null | tee -a live.ip && python3 | tee -a nl.ip

Now I have ips that belong to *.nl , now I grabed the title and status of the ips to go though the selected website. To do this i used httpx to narrow down my search.

cat nl.ip | httpx --title --status-code -probe --follow-redirect --silent -o httpx_result.txt

After doing 7–8 manual testing of website, i ended up with an http://ip/ which contains twitter account which is broken. I visited the ssl ip of that and found the orignal domain to be and it was also broken on there on

Now I knew what extactly I had to do next, the exploit were clear to me, I quickly created the twitter with that broken username and boom! it worked. When I click on the twitter , it was redirecting to my hijacked twitter account now.

I was successfully able to hijack the twitter account and reported immediately. But after 24 hours of submission I got reply mail that this domain of *.nl doesn’t comes under dutch central government.

I thought atleast I should publish a blog on this on here it is.

similar report on hackerone:

hope you enjoy reading :)

