Vijay Prakash
4 min readFeb 18, 2022

My experience at Masai school


My name is Vijay Prakash. Today I am writing my experience at Masai school because I am right now the part of Masai school full stack web development program so I think I am right person to share my knowledge and real experience about Masai school ………..

My story started from a Nawada Bihar. I born and brought up their after completed my schooling I moved to Delhi for higher study and I completed B.Tech in department of computer science and engineering in 2017 after that I worked form 2–3 different organisation but I worked a long span of time with a Bangalore based consulting firm ….but then I decided to switch the job profile from a consultant to a full stack software developer and then i started to finding option for it I visited many local area training institute but I didn’t get satisfied because when I talked to instructor and director I didn’t get satisfied because whenever I meet with such kind of people they only say just pay this amount of money and then I will trained you after that you will get placed but when I done some research about that and started interacting with his/her student then most of the time I got negative review so then I decided to do some online courses then I bought some courses from Udemy and started learning but I find that it is very difficult to maintain a routine for such kind of courses for me because in such kind of courses there is not any assessment and review kind of things so because for that reason maintain a routine for me is very difficult task because some day I study 4 to 5 hrs but some day not even 1 hrs and also some time when i face problem regarding any concept and other things then it is very difficult cleared such kind of doubt then I got stressed and I think I am not for it .Suddenly one day i was talking with a friend about it then he told me about Masai school…………………………………………..

First time I think it is a fake organisation like other institute.Then I started collecting information about it from different sources i.e. YouTube,Quora and other social media platform….. after doing these many things . then I read lot’s of of student review about it and finding more and more information about it from different platform after gathering all the information then I find Masai school is more transparent compare to any other such kind of organisation then I decided I will definitely try for it ………and finally applied for full stack web development program and cleared both MSAT1 & MSAT2 then I got admission confirmation mail from Masai school.

Masai school is basically 21st century outcome driven career school and his mission is is to skill India untapped and unutilizes talent and trained them for most demanding job in world it is basically new and well stractured model of higher study Basically Masai school invest in student future and when he get successful then he charged some amount of money for it It is a malitry style coding school which trained the student 6 days in a week from 9 am to 9 pm so we can say that it provide a holistic development program in which student got 1200 hrs experience on coding ,100 hrs experience on soft skill ,more than 100 hrs on mathematics …….and many more.

So before joining Masai school I have lots of doubt regarding 9–9–6 ciriculam and ISA but when I become the part of this organisation then I realise that it is one of my best decision because till this time most of my doubt get resolved and now I am happy with 9–9–6 curriculum and its happened just because of teaching style of our instructor and helping nature of other member of Masai school because whenever I am facing any difficulty regarding courses,concept,Assignment ….etc. then someone always there for helping and motivate us so The best things for me about Masai school is it brought discipline in my life and also helped me to increased my concentration and time management skill

So for future aspiring student I just want to say one things just try for once because Masai school even didn’t charge a single rupee for it and also he provided first unit as a trial period after that if you want to continue then it’s need to complete the ISA formality so you have choice….if you want then you can continue otherwise you can dropped it so don’t worry just try once

At the end I want to say thank you to Masai school for providing me such kind of learning environment.