OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 With Examples: A Deep Dive into Critical Mobile App Security Risks(Part 1)

Prakash Tiwari
8 min readApr 27, 2024


The mobile app landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the threats that lurk beneath the surface too. To stay ahead of these ever-changing security challenges, developers and security professionals rely on the OWASP Mobile Top 10. This critical list, updated in 2024, prioritizes the ten most prevalent mobile application security risks. Understanding and mitigating these risks is essential for building robust and trustworthy mobile applications. Let’s delve into the latest iteration of the OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024, accompanied by real-world examples to illustrate each risk.

OWASP Mobile Top 10 Vulnerabilities

M1: Improper Credential Usage

It encompasses a range of security shortcomings related to how user credentials (usernames, passwords) are handled within a mobile app. Here are some common pitfalls:

  • Insecure Storage: Storing credentials in plain text or using weak encryption algorithms makes them susceptible to theft if an attacker gains access to the app’s data storage.
  • Unencrypted Transmission: Sending credentials over unencrypted channels (like HTTP) exposes them to interception during network communication.
  • Weak Password Policies: Lack of password complexity requirements (minimum length, character types) makes them easier to guess or crack through brute-force attacks.
  • Hardcoded Credentials: Embedding credentials directly within the app’s code exposes them if the code is decompiled or reverse-engineered.

Example Attack Scenarios:
The following scenarios showcase improper credentials usage in mobile apps:

Scenario #1: Hardcoded Credentials: An attacker discovers hardcoded credentials within the mobile app’s source code. They use these credentials to gain unauthorized access to sensitive functionality within the app or backend systems.

Scenario #2: Insecure Credential Transmission: An attacker intercepts insecurely transmitted credentials between the mobile app and its backend systems. They use these intercepted credentials to impersonate a legitimate user and gain unauthorized access.

Scenario #3: Insecure Credential Storage: An attacker gains physical access to a user’s device and extracts stored credentials from the mobile app. The attacker uses these credentials to gain unauthorized access to the user’s account.

M1 Vulnerability & Mitigation

M2: Inadequate Supply Chain Security

Imagine building a house with strong walls and a secure door, but using a flimsy lock that’s easy to pick. That’s the analogy for M2. While your app’s core code might be well-written, vulnerabilities in third-party components can create exploitable weaknesses. Here’s how attackers can exploit M2:

  • Malicious Code Injection: An attacker may infiltrate the development process, injecting malicious code into libraries or frameworks used by your app. This code can then steal user data, spy on activity, or even take control of the device.
  • Exploiting Third-Party Vulnerabilities: Even reputable third-party components can have security flaws. If not identified and addressed promptly, attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your app or its backend systems.
  • Compromised Credentials: Weaknesses in app signing or distribution processes can allow attackers to steal signing keys. They can then use these keys to sign malicious code and distribute it disguised as a legitimate update.

These attack methods can have varying degrees of difficulty, but the potential consequences are significant.


Scenario #1 Malware Injection

An attacker injects malware into a popular mobile app during the development phase. The attacker then signs the app with a valid certificate and distributes it to the app store, bypassing the app store’s security checks. Users download and install the infected app, which steals their login credentials and other sensitive data. The attacker then uses the stolen data to commit fraud or identity theft, causing significant financial harm to the victims and reputational damage to the app provider.

M2 Vulnerability & Mitigation

M3: Insecure Authentication/Authorization

It encompasses weaknesses in how mobile apps verify user identities (authentication) and determine access rights (authorization). These weaknesses can be exploited by attackers to:

  • Bypass Authentication: Attackers can gain unauthorized access to the app by bypassing authentication controls altogether. Imagine a flimsy lock on your house — it offers little protection.
  • Escalate Privileges: Even with valid login credentials, attackers can exploit weak authorization to gain access to functionalities reserved for administrators. Think of borrowing a friend’s key to enter their house, but then using it to access restricted areas.

These vulnerabilities are often easy to exploit (high exploitability) using automated tools. A successful attack can have severe consequences.


Scenario #1: Hidden Service Requests: Attackers exploit a weakness where the app assumes only authenticated users can access certain functionalities. They submit requests directly to the backend server, bypassing authentication altogether.

Scenario #2: Interface Reliance: Attackers leverage a scenario where the app only restricts access to functionalities based on what’s displayed on the user interface. They exploit weak backend controls to perform unauthorized actions even with low-privilege accounts.

Scenario #3: Weak Password Policies: Short and simple passwords are easily cracked by attackers using brute-force methods. If the server stores passwords in plain text (instead of hashed versions), attackers can gain access to user accounts if they compromise the server.

Scenario #4: Insecure Direct Object Reference: An attacker can manipulate an API request to access data belonging to other users due to weak authorization controls on the backend server.

Scenario #5: Transmission of User Roles: The app transmits user role information to the backend server, and the server relies on this information for authorization decisions. Attackers can manipulate this information to gain unauthorized access to functionalities.

M3 Vulnerability & Mitigation

M4: Insufficient Input/Output Validation

Imagine a house with wide-open doors and windows — anyone can walk in and out. That’s analogous to M4. When an app fails to properly validate and sanitize user input (data coming into the app) and output (data going out of the app), it creates openings for attackers to exploit. These vulnerabilities can be used to launch various attacks, including:

  • SQL Injection: Attackers can inject malicious code into user inputs that are incorporated into database queries. This code can then manipulate or steal sensitive data.
  • Command Injection: Malicious code injected into user inputs can be executed on the app’s server, potentially granting attackers unauthorized access or control.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Attackers can inject malicious scripts into user inputs that are then displayed to other users. When these users view the infected content, the scripts can steal their data or hijack their sessions.

These attacks can have severe consequences, as we’ll explore next.


Scenario #1: Remote Code Execution via Malicious Input: An attacker discovers a weakness in the app’s input validation. They craft a specially formulated input containing unexpected characters that the app misinterprets. This can lead to the execution of arbitrary code on the user’s device, giving the attacker unauthorized access to resources and data.

Scenario #2: Injection Attacks via Insufficient Output Validation: Attackers find an entry point where user-generated content or untrusted data is processed by the app. They create malicious input containing code or scripts (e.g., HTML, JavaScript, SQL) that exploits the lack of output validation. When this crafted input is submitted, the app fails to sanitize it, allowing the attacker to execute malicious code and potentially steal sensitive information.

Scenario #3: Remote Code Execution via Malformed Output: An attacker identifies a weakness in how the app processes user-provided data and generates dynamic output. They craft specially formatted data that exploits the app’s insufficient output validation. When submitted, this malformed data triggers unintended actions or executes code within the app, potentially granting the attacker remote control over the device or its data.

M4 Vulnerability & Mitigation

M5: Insecure Communication

Imagine sending a postcard with your bank account information — anyone can intercept and steal it! That’s similar to insecure communication. When data travels between your app and a server without proper encryption, it’s vulnerable to eavesdropping or tampering by malicious actors on the network. These attackers can steal sensitive information like login credentials, user data, or financial details.

Here are some common threat agents that can exploit insecure communication:

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attackers: These attackers position themselves between your device and the server, intercepting data transmissions.
  • Rogue Wi-Fi Networks: Malicious Wi-Fi networks can be set up to steal data transmitted by unsuspecting users.
  • Malware on Your Device: Malware can intercept app communication or inject malicious code into data streams.


  • Scenario #1: Lack of Certificate Inspection: The app connects to a server but fails to verify the server’s security certificate. This makes it susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks where an attacker impersonates the server and intercepts data.
  • Scenario #2: Weak Cipher Suite Negotiation: The app and server agree on a weak encryption algorithm during the connection handshake. This allows attackers to crack the encryption and steal sensitive data.
  • Scenario #3: Sensitive Data Leakage: The app transmits sensitive information like login credentials or user data without encryption. Attackers can intercept this data and gain unauthorized access to accounts.
  • Scenario #4: Two-Factor Authentication Bypass: The app transmits a two-factor authentication token over an unencrypted channel. Attackers can intercept this token and bypass the two-factor authentication process.
M5 Vulnerability & Mitigation

In this blog, we have explored the first five risks outlined in the OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024, along with real-world examples illustrating each risk. From improper credential usage to insecure communication, these vulnerabilities highlight the diverse array of security challenges faced by mobile app developers.

Understanding these risks is crucial for safeguarding user data and maintaining the integrity of mobile applications. By implementing robust security measures such as secure data storage, encrypted communication, and strong authentication mechanisms, developers can mitigate these risks and enhance the overall security posture of their mobile apps.

Stay tuned for the next installment, where we will delve into the remaining five risks in the OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 and explore strategies for addressing them effectively.

So, keep an eye out for the next 5 in Part 2!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does OWASP apply to mobile apps?

Answer: Yes, OWASP applies to mobile apps as well. The OWASP Top 10 covers relevant mobile security risks such as insecure storage, insecure communication, and insecure authentication.

2. When was OWASP Top 10 last updated?

Answer: The OWASP Top 10 was last updated in January 2020. However, OWASP releases a new version of the Top 10 every few years, so it’s a good idea to stay up-to-date on the latest web security risks.

3. Is OWASP Top 10 enough?

Answer: The OWASP Top 10 is a strong starting point for application security, but it shouldn’t be considered the only security measure. To comprehensively secure your applications, you should also consider conducting threat modeling and security testing specific to your application’s needs.

4. In which year did the OWASP Top 10 begin?

Answer: The OWASP Top 10 was first launched in 2003. Since then, it has become a widely recognized standard for web application security.



Prakash Tiwari

Mobile App Developer by day, Security Enthusiast by night. Tech Savvy with a passion for building secure apps.