Day 0 : Setup Rust on my Mac-Air and Rust v/s Java

Prakhar Kumar
2 min readMar 5, 2024
installing rust installer(rustup)

Hey there, welcome to my story… I felt curious about Rust, delving into its “Whys” and “Hows”. So, today I installed rust installer(Rustup) and completed the setup. As someone coming from a Java background, the prospect of diving into a new language like Rust excites me.

Similar to Java, Rust boasts reliability, scalability, and productivity. However, Rust stands out for its emphasis on memory safety and speed. It’s a statically typed language, which means the compiler can detect many errors before the code is even executed.”

Now, let’s add some basic information about Rust and compare it to Java:

Rust, a relatively new programming language, has been gaining popularity for its unique features. Unlike Java, Rust is designed to offer more control over system resources while maintaining safety and performance. One key aspect that sets Rust apart is its ownership system, which ensures memory safety without the need for a garbage collector.

In Java, memory management is primarily handled by a garbage collector, which can sometimes lead to unpredictable performance issues, especially in resource-intensive applications. Rust, on the other hand, achieves memory safety through a combination of compile-time checks and strict ownership rules, resulting in faster and more predictable performance.

Another notable difference is Rust’s approach to concurrency. While Java provides tools like threads and locks for concurrent programming, Rust offers a more modern approach with its ownership and borrowing system, which prevents data races at compile time.

Overall, Rust provides a fresh perspective for developers coming from Java, offering powerful features for system programming, web development, and more, while prioritizing safety and performance.”

Please rectify me if you find some mistake and please do share your opinion . Thank You!!!



Prakhar Kumar

Tech enthusiast aspiring to be a backend developer. Passionate about coding, problem-solving, and building digital solutions. Let's create magic with code! 🚀