8 min readSep 6, 2018



Hallo Friends, If you’re interested in joining the Bigbang project, it’s good to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the Bigbang project:

Here’s the review !!


Distributed ledger technology — or blockchain technology — will irrevocably alter the future of every industry. First outlined in 2008 by the eponymous Satoshi, the blockchain encompasses a drastic paradigm shift away from centralised intermediaries, which underscore the modern Internet, towards decentralised, P2P networks.

The blockchain is a distributed data ledger: a public record of agreements, interactions and transactions that are cryptographically linked. Like a book indelibly stamped by each entry, these records cannot be retroactively changed. Each is immutable and impervious to tampering, assured by a web (or chain) of elected computers (nodes) which, together, allow additions and alterations through consensus. In other words, there is no single point of trust – no bank, corporation, government or institution. The blockchain provides the framework fora more secure network than ever before — one which does not ask users to place their faith in a single entity.


The online eSports, casino and social gaming casino industry is worth billions of dollars. In the United States only, the online gaming industry is expected to reach worth 51.96 billion USD by the end of 2018. This is two times of the volume in 2009. It is a big global industry. Though the popularity of eSports, social games and online casino games and profitability of gamers and operators is also increasing, still the industry is not sufficiently utilized to its fullest potential. Lack of fraud prevention mechanism, individual games and services not coming on the same page, lack of self-regulation, new regulations being imposed on gamers and operators, and new regulations forcing operators to outsource essential infrastructure to Gibraltar or other lenient jurisdictions, all these factors are discouraging gamers and operators, and also slowing down the growth. This is leading to the emergence of a grey market. As a result, illicit activities are common which further stigmatizes the industry. This is because of the segmentation of gamers between different demographics and different services.


The solution is an all-inclusive platform developed by keeping the best interests of all legitimate actors in mind. A gamer wants all services available at one place plus more opportunities for generating revenue while working with legitimate operators. Similarly, an operator wants to acquire and retain genuine gamers. No one expects transparency in a centralized solution. Centralized solutions are also less secure and plagued with problems such as communication gap between actors. That is why Big Bang utilizes the decentralized Blockchain technology to present an ideal solution that is beneficial for all actors. Big Bang Platform facilitates direct communication between all actors. The transparency it offers leaves no room for fraudsters. This makes gamers feel secure and confident as they know that their activities will be rewarded. Gamers working with Big Bang Platform know that their winnings are retained and loyalty points they earn are shareable across different games and services. Their earnings and loyalty rewards are not separated by individual loyalty programs. It is impossible for a bad actor to manipulate or misuse data of a player or an operator. Every record added to a block is immutable. This is what makes Big Bang Platform trustworthy for all actors. Here, decentralization is the key.



The Big Bang Ecosystem is a self-regulating ecosystem comprised of the Big Bang Platform (BBPlatform), Big Bang Exchange (BBXchange) and Big Bang Wallet (BBWallet). Each part will run on the blockchain and be mutually inclusive of one another. The ecosystem will be jump started by a TGE (Token Generation Event) later this year.


The Big Bang Token is the proprietary loyalty and utility token of the Big Bang platform. It is an ERC20 token (an Ethereum smart contract standard) that is exchangeable for other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Traditionally, ‘points’ or ‘miles’ have been used to reward participants of loyalty programs. Big Bang Token or any other crypto coin will be a more effective loyalty reward as it is incorruptible and easily exchangeable. Offering rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies also improves brand recognition. Individually branded loyalty programs struggle to develop a lasting impression. However, when cryptocurrencies are used in these loyalty programs, it is possible to develop more hype, social status and recognition. By presenting the Big Bang Token as a universal reward token, Big Bang allows gamers to participate in a diverse range of games and services and make all earning in Big Bang’s dedicated but exchangeable token that is the Big Bang Token. Big Bang revolutionizes the role and perception of loyalty programs. Big Bang turns loyalty programs into the main attraction rather than an ancillary add-on. A gamer earns Big Bang Token by participating in social games, eSports and online gambling services integrated with the Big Bang Platform. A gamer will receive his earnings in his Big Bang Wallet.


The Big Bang Wallet is a cryptographically secure ERC20-compatible wallet. Compatibility with ERC20 allows the wallet owner to store any ERC20 compatible cryptocurrency in his Big Bang Wallet. The loyalty points a gamer earns by playing game integrated with the Big Bang Platform are converted into Big Bang Token and then deposited into the Big Bang Wallet. The gamer can transfer Big Bang Token to some other ERC20 compatible wallet or sell tokens through a public exchange or BBXchange. In future, a prepaid card will be developed to expand the utility of the wallet and create an even more seamless experience between physical (slots, casinos, etc.) and virtual gambling.


The Big Bang Platform is a decentralized application, network, loyalty program and payment system that runs on the Blockchain. It provides a complete solution for gamers and operators.

For gamers, the Big Bang Platform is:

  • The ultimate loyalty program with a cross-service loyalty reward token
  • a social hub
  • an exchange
  • an entertainment Network

For Operator, the Big Bang Platform is:

  • a self-regulated platform to integrate games and services
  • a CSM
  • a CRM

The Big Bang Platform includes an expansive set of tools to address the needs of both operators and gamers. Operators can interact with gamers in new ways. Gamers can reap the rewards for their activities with cashback and loyalty points. They can store the value in their e-wallet. They can take advantage an inbuilt exchange to trade tokens for fiat currencies or other ER20 compatible Tokens. The Big Bang Platform uses network data to map out micro-demographics, behaviors and preferences, and trends. This enables BB Platform to produce an accurate picture of the user value and actionable insight for sponsors. This set of tools delivers a new level of business intelligence to people involved in the social games , eSports and gambling industry. The Blockchain technology at the core of the platform makes everything secure and transparent. All actors including gamers, operators and sponsors get a safe environment to interact and exchange value without any fear of foul play or legal repercussion. Every actor has to complete a KYC process to register on the platform.

The BBToken Loyalty Ecosystem



Once operators integrate their services with the Big Bang Platform, they will be able to use all powerful features and tools including business intelligence reporting, online payment processing and loyalty incentives. The Big Bang Platform is designed to be seamlessly integrated (via an API) with existing infrastructure. This seamless integration provides an immediate solution to cost reduction, marketing and gamer retention. Below are examples of business scenarios that can be resolved or aided by the Big Bang Platform.





  • Q4 2017

We start here

> Presenting the concept of BIGBANG SMART GAMING PLATFORM

> User Analysis — Challenges & Opportunities

> Solution Design — Proposed Features And Functionalities

> BBTokens — Securities Law Framework for Blockchain Tokens

> Technical feasibility Assessment Whitepaper

  • Q1 2018

> TGE Legal framework and financial preparation

> Structuring the concept of using Ethereum blockchain with Loyalty and Rewards tools and customer development of the crypto-rewards for e-gaming industry,

> TGE website, Whitepaper, BBToken Wallet

> Private Sale (20,000,000 BBT for distribution)

  • Q2 2018

> Cryptocurrency Exchanges License Process

> Gambling License Process

> Mobile crypto-wallet

> Private Sale Invitation Only (20,000,000 BBT for distribution

  • Q3 2018

> Token Generating Event Phase 1 100,000,000 BBT distribution October 1 -December 31 2018

  • Q4 2018

> Token Generating Event Phase 1 100,000,000 BBT distribution September 15-December 31

> Partnership with game operators, game provider

  • Q1 2019

> Exchanges Listing

> BigBang Platform Development Process

> The Alpha-version of the AI-based Loyalty Rewards System

  • Q2 2019

> Integration of AI and machine learning into the BigBang platform

> The first version of the platform with the startup game package

> API for project integration

> Unified bi-currency billing

> Unified system of authorization

> The first integration of multilevel referral programs

  • Q3 2019

> Integration of AI and machine learning into the BigBang platform

> The first version of the platform with the startup game package

> API for project integration

> Unified bi-currency billing

> Unifiedsystem of authorization

> The first integration of multilevel referral programs

> Asian market expansion, research, customer development, marketing campaign.

  • Q4 2019

> The first version of the platform with the startup game package

> API for project integration

> Unified bi-currency billing

> Unifiedsystem of authorization

> The first integration of multilevel referral programs

> Global market expansion, research, customer development, marketing

  • Q1-Q2 2020

> API for project integration

> Unified bi-currency billing

> Unifiedsystem of authorization

> The first integration of multilevel referral programs

> Global market expansion, research, customer development, marketing campaign.

  • Q3-Q4 2020

> API for project integration

> Unified bi-currency billing

> Unifiedsystem of authorization

> The first integration of multilevel referral programs

> Global market expansion, research, customer development, marketing campaign

  • Q1 2021

> Official Launch BigBang Smart Contract & AI eGaming Ecosystem

For more information about the Bigbang Project, please visit the site below:

| Website | Whitepaper | Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube | Medium | Reddit |

Author: Sixa


ETH Address: 0x0925bF518cfc72B18eDc703251827FBEb0611649

