Tracing OpenTracing & Jaeger’s Journey- Part 4

2 min readJul 17, 2018


The first week of the month of July was spent filling another part of the website’s docs. Having finished a major portion, I moved on to my next task of document versioning and Medium automatic link update for JaegerTracing.

Document Versioning

JaegerTracing would like to keep track of it’s docs during for each release. Obviously, it’s possible to fulfill this requirement manually, however, it would be just way better if it were automated. I am currently mulling upon ideas on the correct and most efficient (both in time and space) way to implement this. Two shortlisted ideas include :

  1. Build a command line utility, which upon execution creates a new folder “LATEST” in the site contents and copies the old docs into the older version folder. While the CLI would require user to run it, the user has a control over the versioning.
  2. Automatically create new folder “LATEST” upon any commits to the docs of JaegerTracing. The user does not have any control over the document versioning, it would change automatically once a commit to any of the docs is made (even if there was no feature update and only a small typo was fixed!)

I feel that the first option is best suited as of now.

Medium Article Update

Most recently, I have been working on rendering a “Latest articles from blog” section on the JaegerTracing website. The process is quite simple:

  1. Fetch latest articles from Medium using the Medium API
  2. Display them in a nice way.

I will be writing another detailed (and technical) blog post on how I integrated this with the Hugo based website soon!




Software Engineer | Part-time over-thinker | Ex-Meta | Android Dev | Open-Source Contributor | Outreachy'18