How to spend your first 90 mins after waking up?

Prakriti Sharma
2 min readApr 17, 2022


“Ring Ring Ring” it’s 6 a.m., time to wake up! When all you want to do is press the snooze button and wake up 90 minutes late rushing to start your day.

Who likes to start their day in a hassle, anyway? So here I am to help you all with 4 different activities to do in the next 90 minutes after waking up so that you have a magnificent start to your day :)

Always remember- the moment your alarm clock rings in the morning jump out of the bed immediately without pondering over the thought of sleeping in. GET OUT OF THE BED! and make your bed the first thing so that you have a sense of accomplishment and you’re ready to roll.

  • Go straight to the kitchen and help yourself with any drink which helps you freshen up. Starting with a glass of water is the best thing followed by a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee or tea. Your morning drink will help you awaken your senses and your brain.
  • After sipping on your drink for about 15 mins, you can get have a dedicated 30 mins session for waking your body up. This can include cardio, running, jogging, swimming, or any physical activity of your preference. Best if this is done in a place surrounded by greenery and the sound of chirping birds.
  • Let your body cool down from the sweat after working out for about 5–8 mins and jump into a super refreshing shower for about 10–15 mins. It can be a cold or hot one as per your preference. A cold shower will help you wake up and is good for the skin, whereas a hot shower will reduce post work out muscle soreness and is relaxing. Studies say that close to 70 % of people get creative ideas while showering as this is the most relaxing time. So, don’t forget to keep your CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING.
  • After the above-mentioned morning rituals come the most important of all — Plug in your earphones-> Put on some soothing music( loads are available on the Calm App)-> DISCONNECT from the surroundings-> FOCUS on your breaths and spend the next 10–15 mins doing this and just spend time with yourself and be in the moment. This is the time to recharge before you get out and conquer the day.

Start your day after having a healthy breakfast and remember don’t be very hard on yourself if you’re not able to follow this routine. Everyone is different and best in their own version.

PS: To start with, even if you’re able to do this 4 to 5 times a week, we are GOOD.



Prakriti Sharma

Finding a sweet spot between Life, Spirituality, Health and Productivity based on my personal experiences. Drop a note📧