Update your Git credentials on Windows

Pramendra Raghuwanshi
1 min readAug 5, 2020


When your credentials had expired, so you will simply change it but when you to do git pull , booom,… You will get fatal: Authentication failed for ….

$ git pull
fatal: Authentication failed for `<your-repo>`

It will happen because windows dont update the credential when you change it, and as it already have the old credentials so it won’t again ask you to enter the new one.

So, here is the simple solution to update your git credentials.

Control Panel ->User Accounts -> Credential Manager

Select the Windows Credentials tab

Edit and save, Tadaaa….

It will start working. Hope this will help you. :)

Or you can try using with commands also

First find the version you are using with the Git command git --version. If you have a newer version than 1.7.10, then simply use this command:

git config --global credential.helper wincred

Then do the git fetch , then it prompts for the password update.

Now, it won’t prompt for the password for multiple times in Git.



Pramendra Raghuwanshi

A software engineer but not boring, A deep thinker but not introvert, A poet but not broken.,.,. :)