Net Neutrality — The Free and Fair Internet Movement in India

4 min readJul 17, 2018



After eight months of having proposed the idea of Net Neutrality in India, it was on Wednesday (11th July 2018) that the Telecom Commission has ultimately agreed to adopt the rules of Net Neutrality. This news took over the internet and garnered appreciation and support from a lot of Indians. Also, this decision was appreciated by other countries making India the country with strongest Net Neutrality regulations in the world.

What is Net-Neutrality?

The basic concept of Net-neutrality is to enforce equality among internet users from their service providers. It demands all internet users should be provided services at equal rates irrespective of the kind of telecom provider, websites surfed, type of content or the device used to access the internet.

In short, internet service providers must treat data equally with no interference in traffic and charges should not vary based on content or websites. It was on 8th of February in 2016 that TRAI decided to propose a ban on telecom service providers from imposing extra charges on internet usage rates for their users which led to the emergence of Net Neutrality in India. Consequently, this decision was greatly supported by a huge population of India.

How Does It Work?

To understand how Net Neutrality works, let us take a simple example that is relevant to the concept of Net Neutrality. One such example is our daily usage of electricity. Imagine paying for the electricity based on the price set per unit by the appliance provider. This would lead to variations in the usage of appliances and mostly diminishes the rate of usage of expensive services. Similarly, if you choose to browse a website or read a blog, you won’t be charged much from the operator but if you choose to watch a video or a full-length movie online, the operators impose extra charges robing you of the large portion of data. With net neutrality, this situation can be combated. The prime focus of net neutrality is to provide equality for all the users in terms of internet services i.e. irrespective of the websites, content, platform or even apps. The data charges will not be varying depending on the type of content being accessed.

Breaching of these carefully formulated rules by any of the ISPs (Internet service providers) could lead to ban or loss of license and they will not be allowed to operate or provide services in India.

However, there are a few exceptions like in the case of online calling, emergencies, the huge amount of traffics etc. the service providers can demand extra charges from the users.

Myths and Realities about Net-Neutrality:

Ever since the discussions on approval and denial of Net Neutrality regulations have started, there have been a lot of myths and rumors flying around. To combat this, we present to you some of the major myths and the realities behind them,

Effects Innovation

Many believe that net neutrality is going to suppress innovation and creativity — which is not true because since its origin the Internet has proven to be a home for growing creativity and innovation all over the globe. And one of the major reasons behind it is the protection provided by Net Neutrality.

ISPs are Protectors

The belief that telecom operators or internet service providers are protecting their users from the consequences of Net Neutrality is a myth. In fact, just like every other business, network operators too, work for the profits and make decisions for the same. Several operators have opposed to the idea of Net Neutrality simply because the approval of it may put them in the loss and increase competitors for them in the market.

Extra Benefits for Search Engines

Estimating that search engines like Google and Yahoo are going to be benefited from net neutrality and will be gaining more profits is another myth. In fact, with the net neutrality coming into effect, the search engines will no longer be able to have/give special privileges to their selected favorite sites.

Reduced Broadband Investments

With Net Neutrality coming into effect, individuals believe that it led to declining in broadband investments. However, there was no proof that the open internet was a major contributor to the decline or loss. In fact, the fall in Investments due to Net Neutrality is a myth because the market in this case never hit a peak despite several attempts to gain profits.

Also, many investment decisions are made by the organization at least a year or two in advance taking several factors into considerations. Hence, net neutrality cannot be held culprit for the diminishing investment rates.

In conclusion, more than 800 million Indians lack access to the Internet and with the implementation of Net Neutrality all around the country, there will be an increase in usage of the internet being provided at cheaper rates making it a booming market with great potential.




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