Published inProduct CoalitionMetrics and the inefficiencies of languageBeing a Product Manager makes me question some fundamental constructs of language that we take for granted. A few cases in point:May 22, 2018May 22, 2018
Published inProduct CoalitionA Product Management Framework for Machine Learning — Part 3 of 3This is part two of a series of 3 posts exploring how Product Managers can build effective ML ProductsApr 17, 20182Apr 17, 20182
Published inProduct CoalitionA Product Management Framework for Machine Learning — Part 2 of 3My approach to building Products that leverage AI. A quick guide for PMs.Mar 27, 20184Mar 27, 20184
Published inProduct CoalitionA framework for Machine Learning Products — Part 1 of 3Great Machine Learning models don’t always become great Products, not because of the ML itself, but because of the Design and the…Mar 5, 20182Mar 5, 20182
Published inProduct CoalitionWhat I learnt about Product Management from a 1000 year old city, a man in chains, and Customer…I moved to Amsterdam 7 months ago. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. I had built for India, and now I wanted to build for a different…Dec 27, 20171Dec 27, 20171
My last memory of my GrandfatherRummaging through some preserved photos on an old phone, I came across this — my grandfather in his thirties, with a head full of hair and…Dec 27, 2017Dec 27, 2017
A chat with Jay from the Product CoalitionJay from the Product Coalition and I discussed building for emerging markets, the challenges and the triumphs. Watch the video here:Dec 10, 2016Dec 10, 2016
15 minute product design challenge #1: Rating & Review System for EcommerceA friend asked me to design an MVP product rating and review system for an ecommerce company — within 15 minutes.Nov 13, 20161Nov 13, 20161
Product Review #1: HardboundI’ve finally decided to stop procrastinating and write my first product review ever. Proudly presenting what I thought about Hardbound!Sep 19, 201610Sep 19, 201610
I’m a crazy capitalist, but…I’m accused of being a capitalist — a crazy one at that. Not that there’s anything sane about any of them. And not that I’m a true…Aug 28, 2015Aug 28, 2015