Faith and Science : Why I buy lottery tickets

Pal Dru Koi
5 min readMar 9, 2019
Faith meets Science (

As a man of science, I would pride myself with challenging the status-quo and the written sacrosanct. I wanted to be open in my thinking and create my own belief system. I was heady with my openness to new ideas, and I privately questioned religious texts and gurus. It is only when she said she said “You have to have faith in something. You have to start somewhere.” that I took a pause. From that moment to know I have invited more faith in my left and made my logic and science sit amicably next to my faith.

Why even Science needs Faith

Science without religion is Lame, Religion without Science is blind - Einstien

Science and faith are often cast as opponents. And Faith does not have to be only of the religious kind. You can have Faith in your partner that he will be there in sickness and in health, or Faith in your own self to be in control of your destiny, Faith in your family/parents/mentors/friends/teammates, or Faith in the universe or the order of things that in the end it will all be fine. Or even if things do not work out you have faith that YOU will be fine. Without that Faith the bad times will be even more stressful and the good times will be dampened by fear that the good run may end too soon. Science has said that you are likely to keep your resolution and achieve your goals if you…



Pal Dru Koi

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