Reliving 90s Nostalgia of Super Mario Bros

A recant of my experience with recreating the classic Super Mario Bros. on a RaspberryPi

Pranav Ram


Nostalgia has a remarkable way of transporting us back to the golden days of our youth, when summer breaks meant endless adventures, laughter, and countless hours of gaming. For many of us who grew up in the 90s, Super Mario Bros was more than just a video game; it was a cherished part of our childhood. The excitement of finishing school early to meet friends and see who could go the farthest in the game, the joy of playing on the original Nintendo console with those iconic joysticks, and the agony of sore fingers from relentless joystick action are all etched in our memories.

In this blog post, I want to share my personal journey of recapturing those magical moments using a Raspberry Pi. From the installation of RetroPie OS to the creation of a custom housing case, and finally, indulging in some gaming nostalgia, this is a story about reliving the past.

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The 90s was a remarkable era for gaming. It was a time when smartphones and online multiplayer games were nonexistent. Instead, we gathered at our friends’ houses, sat cross-legged on the floor, and huddled around the CRT TV with wired controllers. We had to sit six feet away due to the limitations of those controllers, but that didn’t matter because the game was everything.

Finishing school early to rush to a friend’s house was a ritual we cherished. The excitement was tangible as we raced to see who could defeat Bowser first. Discovering hidden warp zones, blocks and 1ups, mastering tricky jumps, and ultimately conquering the game were badges of honor. And who could forget the aching fingers from hours of joystick action? It was a small price to pay for the thrill of the game.

Fast forward to the present and my journey of recreating this nostalgia using a Raspberry Pi. The first step was installing RetroPie OS on my Raspberry Pi. RetroPie is a custom operating system that transforms your Raspberry Pi into a retro gaming powerhouse. It boasts a vast library of emulators and game ROMs including Game Boy, Sega, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Atari 2600, PlayStation among a few others, making it the ideal choice for reliving classic games. With RetroPie up and running, I started collecting my favorite NES game ROMs, including the iconic Super Mario Bros.

To enhance my Raspberry Pi’s performance and keep it cool during those extended gaming sessions, I decided to craft a fan cooled custom housing case with heat sinks. This not only improved the Pi’s functionality but also added a touch of nostalgia as I handcrafted my own gaming setup.

In the end, there’s nothing quite like the joy of revisiting your favorite childhood games. Recreating the original Super Mario Bros on a Raspberry Pi allowed me to relive those summer days of endless gaming with friends. The only difference? Well, now I can enjoy a cold beer while I play — a luxury that wasn’t available in the 90s.

