The Top 11 Search Engines, Ranked by Popularity

Pranay Rathod
3 min readJun 11, 2023
source: undraw

1. Google

With over 85% of the search market share, Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine.

Additionally, Google captures almost 95% of mobile traffic.

2. 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐠

Google’s biggest contender, rakes in 7% of U.S. desktop searches but only 1.5% of mobile searches.

This engine also powers Yahoo, the U.S.’s third-biggest search engine.

3. Yahoo

Admittedly not the sleekest search engine interface, Yahoo! still manages to capture third place in the list, with just over 2% of the worldwide market share.

4. Yandex

Russian search engine Yandex has roughly 2% of the worldwide market share.

However, it is the most widely used search engine in its home country, with Google holding the number two spot.

5. DuckDuckGo

With nearly 94 million daily direct searches as of 2022, it’s slowly gaining steam in the search market.

DuckDuckGo doesn’t track, collect, or store any information, so you’re safe to search without being bombarded with ads.

There are still ads on DuckDuckGo — just not personalized ones.

6. Baidu, Inc.

Baidu is China’s largest search engine, capturing over 40% of China’s search market.

The search engine looks similar to Google (besides being in Mandarin).

Like Google, Baidu aims to incorporate more rich features in the SERPs.

7. Ask Applications, formerly known as Ask Jeeves, is a search engine designed to answer questions.

The interface of is similar to Yahoo’s interface.

However, unlike Yahoo, which is powered by Bing, is its own standalone search engine.

8. NAVER Corp

Naver is South Korea’s second most popular search engine, claiming nearly 34% of the search engine market share there.

It is a localized search engine, meaning it does not crawl and catalog the entire Internet.

Naver’s interface is entirely in Korean, and there is no English version of the website.

Users of the website can also access news content, search suggestions, and more.

9. Ecosia

Ecosia is “the search engine that plants trees.”

For every search a user makes with Ecosia, Ecosia will plant trees in vulnerable areas with the profit the company makes from its searches.

To date, Ecosia has funded 170 million trees.

It is also powered by Bing and worldwide, it has gained 0.11% of the search engine market share.

10. AOL

AOL, formerly known as America Online, is both an online media company and a search engine.

Most of AOL’s traffic is generated from the United States, 85.7% to be exact.

11. Internet Archive

As its name implies, Internet Archive is a free archive of books, movies, software, music, websites, etc.

Here users can sign up for a free account and can upload their content to the archives.

Most of the Internet Archive’s audience is located in the United States. However, it is gaining popularity in other countries, such as Great Britain and India.

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Pranay Rathod

I like to write when I feel like writing. Though not an avid content writer but I like to share my knowledge. Let's connect 👉