API Proxy for SQS

Integrating API Gateway with SQS (Simple Queue Service)

4 min readSep 23, 2018


If you want to process API Request asynchronously or add a queue in your application architecture, you landed to the right place.

This article shows how to Integrate Amazon API Gateway as a proxy for SQS (Simple Queue Service).

1. Create SQS queue

  • Open AWS console in services, navigate to Simple Queue Service.
  • Click on “Create New Queue”
  • Give queue a name, in our case it is “sqs-lambda-demo” and hit “Create Queue”
  • Remember Queue URL (AWS-ACCT-ID/queue-name) and Queue ARN (AWS-ACCT-ID:queue-name)
Step 1. Create SQS queue

2. Create IAM Policy

We will create IAM Policy and Role for AWS API Gateway to push Request Message to Queue.

  • Select IAM, Navigate to “policies” and click on “Create Policy”.
  • Open JSON editor and add the following policy, click on “Review Policy”, name policy as apig-sqs-send-msg-policy and hit “Create Policy”.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:ap-southeast-1:123456789:sqs-lambda-demo"

3. Create IAM Role

  • Select IAM, Navigate to “Roles” and click on “Create Role”. Now, select “API Gateway” and click “Next:Permissions”.
Step 3.1 : Create IAM Role
  • Give a name to the role you created. In my case, it’s apig-sqs-send-msg-role , notice that only attached policy is “AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs”.
Step 3.2 : Save IAM role
  • Once role is created, edit the role and attach apig-sqs-send-msg-policy .

4. Create an API Structure

  • Select API Gateway, click on “Create API”, name api as SQSProxy and hit “Create”.
Create API in AWS API Gateway
  • Click on “Action” and “create resource” and resource as v1.
  • Click on “v1”, and hit “action > create resource” to create enquque.
  • Click on “enqueue” and hit “action > create method” and from dropdown select “POST”.
API Resource Structure

5. Integrate the API with SQS

  • Click on the “POST” method, in “integration type” click on “AWS service”, provide region and AWS service as “SQS”.
  • Set Path override to Queue Path created in step 1.
  • Set execution role to the role created in step 3. and hit “save”.
POST method for enqueue resource

6. Modify API Request

  • Click on “Integrate Request”
  • Set HTTP header with Name as Content-Type and Mapped from as 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded .
  • In “Request body passthrough” select never and click on “add mapping template”, name it as application/json and add the following snippet Action=SendMessage&MessageBody=$input.body. This step will transform your request body to the one accepted by SQS.

7. Test And Deploy

  • AWS api gateway provides functionality to test the API.
  • In the request body, add the test data.
"data" : "test"
  • If you followed all the steps correctly, you should get 200 status. yey!!!
  • Click on the resource “enqueue” and from “actions” select “Deploy Api”.
  • Select or create new stage and deploy the Api.

That’s it! Test your API and deploy in production.

