Introduction to Deep Learning

How is conventional programming different from Machine Learning?

Pranoy Radhakrishnan
2 min readAug 10, 2017

Before that what is conventional programming?

Write a program in C++ to print the n Fibonacci numbers? That’s it !!! Right!!!

Your code is the algorithm. Right? YES!!!

You have written the code(algorithm) by yourself.

Input(N=5) →Algorithm(code) → Output(0 1 1 2 3 )

Here, you give input to the Algorithm which you have made.

Yes!!!That’s Programming which you are good at. Right?Ok.

Machine Learning

How about computer write the algorithm for you? Interested? YES!!!

But How ???

Give computer some sample inputs and sample outputs so that it writes the algorithm(function which maps input and output) for you. WOW!!!

Train the computer to first build the function(algorithm) for you.

Sample Input and Output → Computer → Function(algorithm)

Use the function Later for Prediction!!!

New input →Function → Output



So, computers have built the functions!!!

YES!!! There are many algorithms written by scientists around the world to make the computers do that!!!

One such algorithm is NEURAL NETWORK!!!


Sample input and output →Neural Network → Function(Trained Neural Network)


New input → Function(Trained Neural Network) → Output

What is a Neural Network? How is it trained ?

Artificial Neural Network

We have been saying that our aim is to build f(x).

What is f(x)?

Function which maps input and output.


f(x)= g(Wx+b)





g-activation function

We give sample x and y so that W and b is learned(W=0.1,b=0.2) or f(x) is trained.

Now, give x some new values(Prediction)

y=f(x=3) =g(0.1*3+0.2)

This is what is happening in a Neural Network.

w1 to w8 are the weights.

b1 and b2 are the bias.

Each circle represents a neuron where g(Wx+b) is computed.

i1 , i2 are inputs

o1, o2 are the outputs.


Deep Neural Network

What changes is the complexity.

Number of neurons and the layers in between input and output layers(Hidden Layers) increases.

