My Story so far…

Prasad Chitta
3 min readSep 8, 2023


In the celestial abode of Kailasa, amidst the resplendent beauty of the divine, Parvati, the gentle and compassionate goddess, engaged Parameswara, the supreme lord of the universe, in a profound conversation. Her heart brimming with love and curiosity, she expressed her intention to test the purifying power of her grace, a grace so potent that it could cleanse even the gravest of sins.

With an affectionate smile, Parameswara quoted the sacred verses of the Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram, saying, “Mat samah pataki nAsti, papaghni tvat samo na hi. Evam jnatva maha Devi, yatha icchasi tatha kuru.” These words echoed through the celestial realm, emphasizing the goddess’s challenge to prove her ability to remove sins.

As the celestial dialogue continued, a tale of destiny began to unfold. On the earthly realm, in a humble village, a devout couple invoked the blessings of the Kutumba Devatas, Veeramma Talli, Lord Venkateshwara, and the benevolent Naga Devatas. Their fervent prayers were for the divine boon of progeny, a cherished wish that resided deep within their hearts.

With unwavering faith and devotion, they approached Lord Shiva in the sacred form of Mallikarjuna, beseeching him to fulfill their heartfelt desire. Touched by their sincere devotion, Lord Mallikarjuna bestowed his divine blessing upon them.

It was from this divine offering of bhakti, from the depths of their hearts, that their son was born — a son destined to be known as K V V N M V Prasad. The last initial, “V,” signified the divine boon granted by Lord Mallikarjuna, and the name “Prasad” symbolized the precious outcome of their heartfelt offering.

But the path of Prasad’s life would take unexpected turns, for he temporarily veered away from the spiritual path, drawn toward the allure of material pursuits. His journey led him far from the teachings of his ancestors, and he embraced the world’s desires and ambitions.

Yet, the divine design was far from complete. Through a mysterious sequence of events, Prasad was guided back to the righteous path, returning to the spiritual fold under the guidance of Swami Virajeshwara, a sage of profound wisdom. Swami Virajeshwara possessed the combined potency of revered teachers, including Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, and Swami Sivananda.

The ashrama of Swami Virajeshwara became the sacred sanctuary where Prasad’s spiritual transformation would continue. Under his guidance, Prasad embarked on a journey of purification and realization, delving into profound teachings and spiritual practices.

In this story of trials and triumphs, veering away from Dharma and returning to it, the grace of the Divine Mother remained a constant, a powerful force that could lead even the most wayward soul back to the righteous path. It was a tale that exemplified the boundless compassion and transformative power of divine grace — a grace that had its roots in a heartfelt offering of bhakti, a grace that led to the birth of Prasad.

As I celebrate 2,700 weeks of a life filled with the ebbs and flows of time, on this auspicious Friday, having experienced the grace of 640 lunar cycles, I stand at a juncture where the spiritual and the celestial converge. My journey, like the phases of the moon, has witnessed moments of illumination and shadows, all guided by the benevolent grace of the Divine Mother.

Receiving the sacred Yajna Prasada of Sri Maha Lakshmi Vaibhavam from the venerable Brahmasri Samavedam Shanmukha Sharma Garu adds a profound chapter to this saga. It is a testament to the harmonious interplay of devotion and destiny that has shaped my life.

Receiving yajan prasada for divine mother through Guru parampara

As I share the story of my earthly sojourn, may it stand as a testament to the transformative power of grace, the resilience of the human spirit, and the eternal connection between the earthly and the celestial. May this narrative inspire seekers on their own journeys, reminding them that grace, like the moon’s gentle glow, is ever-present, guiding us back to the righteous path.

In the end, this tale is a celebration of a life marked by devotion, spiritual awakening, and the unwavering love of the Divine Mother. As I offer this story to the world, may it be a beacon of light, illuminating the path of seekers and showering upon them the grace that has blessed my life abundantly.

