Prasad Nimkar
6 min readNov 4, 2023

Transforming Communities Through Collective Campaigns

Google Developer Student Club Sipna College of Engineering & Technology

What is GDSC?

  • It is a program led by Google that provides a space for college students to learn and collaborate on various projects, fostering their growth as developers.
  • It is a club for the student, of the student and by the student.
  • These clubs organize events, and projects to help students build their skills and network with other developers.
  • GDSC is known for offering a range of opportunities, including access to resources like Google’s developer technologies, mentorship from Google developers, and the chance to work on real-world projects.
  • It also promotes a culture of collaboration and innovation, encouraging students to contribute to open-source projects and make a positive impact in their communities through technologies.

What is a Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)?

  • We are from the Google Developer Student Club at Sipna College of Engineering and Technology. When we first got to know about the campaign we were very thrilled and excited about this Cloud Computing campaign as it was the first time our college was going to be a part of an event held by Google.
  • All the team members were ready for this opportunity and this huge responsibility. We were also nervous as this was our first time and we didn’t know how exactly we were going to proceed but had total confidence in the unity of our team and the fact we knew that together we were capable of making this event a success.
  • Then our GDSC lead also told us about the meeting held with GDSC regional coordinators (Nikita and Tanvi). He further mentioned that they told us about how this event is going to be huge and much appreciation is on the way.
  • We then thoroughly discussed with our team members about this campaign and strategies to make this event successful in our campus.
  • We further understood that Google Cloud Study Jam is personal and online training for students to get experience about Google Cloud’s various tools.
  • The study jams are often conducted by Google Cloud-certified trainers and experts, providing an opportunity for attendees to deepen their understanding of cloud computing
  • At the end, this was the first opportunity given to all of us and we were all set to accomplish it.
Info Session

Certainly, the broader impact of a campaign on a community can be profound, reaching far beyond its initial objectives. Collective efforts often leave a lasting imprint on a community, shaping it in various ways. Here’s a reflection on how such campaigns make a difference, foster collaboration, and create a sense of belonging among participants:

Campaigns are more than just a series of organized actions; they are catalysts for change and progress in a community. When people unite around a common cause, the collective efforts can have a transformative impact. One of the most significant outcomes is the fostering of collaboration. A campaign requires diverse groups, organizations, and individuals to work together, often transcending barriers and differences. This collaboration extends beyond the campaign itself, creating a network of cooperation and shared goals that can persist well after the campaign’s conclusion. These partnerships, once formed, often lead to further collaborations on various community projects and initiatives.

Additionally, campaigns nurture a sense of belonging among participants. When community members join forces to support a cause, they become part of something greater than themselves. This shared sense of purpose fosters a deep connection and a feeling of belonging within the community. People are bound together by their collective efforts and shared commitment, creating a strong sense of solidarity. This not only strengthens the social fabric of the community but also motivates individuals to take on more active roles in shaping the community’s future.

The impact of a campaign on a community goes beyond the immediate objectives. It empowers individuals to see that their collective actions can drive change and make a positive impact. This empowerment inspires community members to become more actively engaged in other civic endeavors and to advocate for further causes they are passionate about. Thus, the campaign serves as a stepping stone to increased community involvement and a deeper sense of civic responsibility.

In conclusion, campaigns have the power to leave a lasting legacy in a community by fostering collaboration, enhancing the sense of belonging among participants, and inspiring future engagement. They drive positive change, not only in the specific areas they target but also in the overall cohesiveness and engagement of the community as a whole. Such campaigns demonstrate the remarkable potential of collective efforts to shape and improve the communities we call home.

Experience during the campaign

In a word, I can describe my experience i.e. Impossible

Firstly I thought that the Cloud Study Jam would be Impossible because we had to gather 150 registrations to enroll on the campaign

But it is the team that made it from impossible to possible. Then we gathered 240 registrations on enrolling for the campaign.

We got registration but after the difficulty passed to completion of the tier with a deadline. Again I thought that enrolling was simple but completing the course with all labs and quiz completed is difficult for me so how the registered participants are going to complete the course? I thought I am grateful for my team and enrolled students who proved with a total of 126 completions and achieving Tier 1 rank. An impossible thing that they made possible. I am glad for my all teammates and their efforts that made this campaign memorable.

Nothing is impossible the word itself says

“I’m Possible”

Cloud Campaign Hands on Workshop

This campaign has helped me personally whether it is about gaining new skills, facing new challenges or fulfilling the responsibility.

I as a person have experienced a lot of growth. I worked with my team and understood that teamwork is the first and last thing we need to make any event a success.

I also learned to navigate the Cloud platform. This made me and all the participants involved in this campaign and aware of the new and popularly used technologies and why we must keep ourselves updated and learn new skills. We also faced many challenges and difficulties during this event. There were a lot of time discrepancies between the scheduled time and the actual time and sometimes we were not able to get dates but we discussed and always had proper communication with the team and came out with the solutions.

Interactions with the community

One of the most memorable moments was that if any student or participant was facing any difficulty in completing the course or was unable to understand I along with my Lead and team members asked them to gather in computer labs and we personally and practically solved their doubts. All the students were so interested and determined to complete the course that they willingly came to us and asked us about the same and cleared their doubts. From this, we understood that we were successful in persuading them and gaining their trust in us. We knew that at this rate we would achieve our target. Also when we did reach our goal and gained a position in 1st tier our faculties and staff were very impressed with our team. This was a proud moment for our team. Our faculty also conducted a photo session for us where our team along with participants clicked a formal photo to mark the success of this event and celebrate the victory.

Sharing the experience of a cloud campaign is not just about recounting past achievements; it’s a call to action, an invitation to be part of a powerful and transformative journey. When we share our campaign experiences, we not only celebrate our successes but also open doors for others to join similar initiatives. The positive aspects of participating in a cloud campaign are boundless. It’s about witnessing the tangible impact of collective efforts, from bolstering community collaboration to empowering individuals with cutting-edge technology. The potential is limitless. By sharing our stories and insights, we inspire others to take part in these endeavors. The world of cloud computing is dynamic and ever-evolving, and each participant contributes to its growth and innovation. So, we encourage you to join us, to explore the boundless possibilities, and to be part of a community that thrives on collaboration, learning, and harnessing the transformative power of the cloud. Together, we can shape the future and make a positive impact that resonates far beyond the boundaries of technology.

Flyer of Cloud Study Jam 2023 Sipna GDSC