Machine Learning Paradigms: A Comprehensive Overview

Prasan N H
3 min readDec 1, 2023


Machine learning (ML) is a dynamic field dedicated to developing methods that enable machines to learn from extensive datasets to enable machines to learn and make predictions. The learning paradigms in ML are categorized based on their resemblance to human interventions, each serving specific purposes and applications. This dynamic field encompasses various learning paradigms, each with its unique approach to handling data.

Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning (discrete and continuous values predictions)
Supervised and Unsupervised learning

Supervised Learning (SL)

Supervised learning involves labelled datasets, where each data observation is paired with a corresponding class label. Algorithms in supervised learning aim to build a mathematical function that maps input features to desired output values based on these labeled examples. Common applications include classification and regression.

Flow chart of Supervised Learning stages
Stages in Supervised Learning
Supervised Learning Model
Understanding Supervised Learning pictorially

Unsupervised Learning

In unsupervised learning, algorithms work with unlabeled data to identify patterns and relationships. These methods uncover commonalities within the data without predefined categories. Techniques such as clustering and association rules fall under unsupervised learning.

Flow chart of Unsupervised Learning stages
Stages in Unsupervised Learning
Supervised Learning Model
Understanding Unsupervised Learning pictorially

Semi-supervised Learning

Semi-supervised learning strikes a balance by combining a small amount of labelled data with a larger pool of unlabeled data. This approach leverages the benefits of both supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms, making it a cost-effective and efficient method for training models when the labeled data is limited.

Semi-supervised Learning Model
Understanding Semi-supervised Learning pictorially

Self-supervised Learning (SSL)

In scenarios where obtaining high-quality labeled data is challenging, self-supervised learning emerges as a solution. In this paradigm, models are pre-trained using unlabeled data, and data labels are generated automatically during subsequent iterations. SSL transforms unsupervised ML problems into supervised ones, enhancing learning efficiency. This paradigm is particularly relevant with the rise of large language models.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning focuses on enabling intelligent agents to learn tasks through trial-and-error interactions with dynamic environments. Without the need for labelled datasets, agents make decisions to maximize a reward function. This autonomous exploration and learning approach is crucial for tasks where explicit programming is challenging.

Reinforcement Learning schematic diagram
Action-Reward feedback loop: an agent takes actions in an environment, which is interpreted into a reward and a representation of the state, which are fed back into the agent.

Action-Reward Feedback Loop:

Reinforcement learning operates on an action-reward feedback loop, where agents take actions, receive rewards, and interpret the environment’s state. This iterative process allows the agent to autonomously learn optimal actions to maximize positive feedback.

Action-Reward Feedback Loop in a Reinforcement Learning paradigm
Action-Reward Feedback Loop

Understanding these ML paradigms provides valuable insights into the diverse approaches used to address different types of problems. Each paradigm comes with its strengths and applications, contributing to the versatility of machine learning in various domains.



Prasan N H

Currently pursuing MS in Information Science from University of Arizona (2023-2025)