DevOps & Agile = Better Builds & Faster Releases

2 min readOct 5, 2018


What is DevOps?
- DevOps is a software development method which focuses on communication, integration, and collaboration among IT professionals to enables rapid deployment of products.
- DevOps is a culture that promotes collaboration between Development and Operations Team.

Benefits of DevOps
- This allows deploying code to production faster and in an automated way.
- It helps to increases an organization’s speed to deliver application and services.
- It can be defined as an alignment of development and IT operation.

What is Agile?
- Agile Methodology involves continuous iteration of development and testing in the SDLC process.
- This software development method emphasizes on iterative, incremental, and evolutionary development.
- Agile development process breaks the product into smaller pieces and integrates them for final testing.
- It can be implemented in many ways, including scrum, kanban, scrum, XP, etc.

DevOps + Agile

Though both the terms are broadly synonymous, it would be incorrect to say that they are both the same.
- DevOps is the concept to manage end-to-end engineering processes, Agile is a process used to manage complex projects.
- Agile is, in fact, one of the most essential parts of successful DevOps.
- In the end, DevOps can be thought of a practice and Agile as a process. Together, they help in continuously building, eliminating waste, and optimizing work.




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