A Teardrop said to Me

Prasanna Swaroopa
2 min readApr 15, 2024
A face with eyes partially closed
Drawing by the Author

Right from the corner of your eye
Like a raindrop falling from the sky
While you may feel in control though,
Down the cheeks I shall ever flow.

Have you ever wondered why?
In your moods, either low or high
Whatever your emotions hurl
I am the same watery pearl.

Behold the rainbow that has shined
In the horizon of your subtle mind
Caused by the light of the soul inside
As I go down in my usual stride.

I am the same in pain and pleasure
In both, my source is same, I’m sure
So too is the story in your case
Joy and sorrow have the very same base.

Why do you then grieve my friend?
For both joy and misery you transcend;
That’s the real freedom and growth
Like me, know you are free from both.

While the mind has its many swings
You, the Soul, is where all life springs
While waves are what people behold
You dear are the very calmness untold.

I have seen the depth of your soul
And there, you are forever whole
I become a tear of joy or sorrow blind
Only when I cross your biased mind.

Waves of mine are ever the same
You leap in joy or cry in shame
You are in a state of eternal rejoice
I am just a form of your mind’s voice.

Whenever you have let me free
I have only brought relief to thee
Believe me what I say is true
I have and shall never desert you.

