
What travelling feels like.

3 min readFeb 20, 2020
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets

- Oscar Wilde

Traveling is a subjective thing. We need to follow our instincts when we travel because what traveling feels to one is not exactly felt by the other in the same way. Traveling is not merely visiting some place and doing all sorts of things which other people have been doing, rather it is about doing what you want to do at a place you’ve been planning to go. Popular media may show traveling in one angle while traveling for us may feel different. We don’t have to compare our traveling with others because traveling is unique experience for each of us and is about creating memories which will stay with us until the day we die.

Since childhood I used to watch a lot of travel videos and documentaries on YouTube and wished that I would visit all these places once I start to earn. Traveling is one such thing which is fantasized by many and truly achieved by some. I can tell about it as I used to fantasize a lot about traveling and doing things which were commonly shown in movies and boasted by some like performing sky diving, watching northern lights in the Norway. As I started to grow all these fantasies started to fade away slowly without me even realizing it. I am not complaining about dreaming, but the point is — we should hope for the best and try to work hard for it rather than just dream and keep on imagining stuff.

Traveling in literal sense is moving from one place to another but what makes traveling tick is the journey which is all about forming memories, either good or bad. The movies show only the good part about travelling and people believe that traveling is all about going to some popular destination and putting up posts on the Instagram, but it doesn’t work that way in real life. I am not a qualified traveler to speak all these stuff but in my experience travelling is hard and it requires practice and patience to master it as a skill.

Travelling can be done solo, or with family, or with friends, but each has its own pros and cons. Each kind of traveling do teach us something and every moment should be enjoyed and reflected. The best thing about traveling is that we can always assure ourselves that there is a place called home, which we can eventually return to. This feeling of home makes traveling a best experience because wherever you go, you can always come home one day. My recent journey was to Goa with dad, where I did spend some quality time with my father and my other journey was a solo journey to Mumbai, one of my favorite places. This was my first ever solo travel and I did enjoy my own company a lot. I did visit some random places without even planning and going where my instinct wanted me to take. This was great as I can be responsible for me and be myself without constant interruption. I did walk as long as I can, spent time at the places I used to fantasize about and it created a deep impact on my life.

To conclude, traveling is different for different people and there is no proper standard to follow. It boils down to our passion and instinct. Believe me you will create some everlasting memories while traveling.

Originally published at on February 20, 2020.

