Recently, I’ve watched on DD National — But Where we can download all Upanishad Ganga episodes on the Internet?

Rahul Sharma
4 min readNov 30, 2019


जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि Upanishad Ganga में 52 episodes हैं, जिससे हम सभी निश्चित रूप से आध्यात्मिकता के बारे में सीखना चाहते हैँ।

As we all know Upanishad Ganga has 52 Episodes, which you must watch. You can download all of them and watch them later as well. Read this complete blog for detailed information about How you can also download Upanishad Ganga and watch when you Want.

ये पूरा सीरियल अमेज़ॅन पर डीवीडी के रूप में उपलब्ध हैं जिन्हें आप खरीद सकते हैं। मैंने इस स्टोर के बारे में भी सुना है जो Google पर सभी उपनिषद गंगा के एपिसोड प्रदान कर रहा है, If you want to watch and download Upanishad Ganga, message this this page on Instagram and ask for the procedure to download upanishad ganga all episodes —

There are a total of 52 Episodes Upanishad Ganga downloads. Which is produced by Chinmaya mission if I’m not wrong. It’s also available on their website, you can also buy it from them.

Telecasted on TV

During lockdown this show is also telecasted again on DD National and DD Bharti, I’m not sure about the timing as they keep changing. You can check the program schedule of DD Network from here.

Should you Download or Buy DVDs?

I would say you should download it as DVDs can’t be carried everywhere with you. It’s not the time to but DVDs. It’s 2020 and we all want to download it on our phone which we always carry with us. If this article reaches the right people. I want to request them to allow people to download all episodes instead of selling them high-value DVDs. I think content is important which is on DVDs not DVDs.

I hope this Blog will solve your quarries like How to download, Where to watch Upanishad Ganga, Why watch Upanishad Ganga, How many episodes does Upanishad Ganga have? If yes, please follow me for more.

Which is your Favorite Upanishad Ganga episode, share with us.

Episode 1 — The Journey — Introduction to Upanishad.

Episode 2 — Think — Who Am I, Ask — Story from Mahabharat.

Episode 3 — Knowledge Transforms — Story of Ratnakar Valmiki.

Episode 4 — Universal Welfare — Story of Ashtavakra.

Episode 5 — Veda — The Source of Dharma 1 — Story of Dara Shikoh.

Episode 6 — Veda — The Source of Dharma 2 — Story of Dara Shikoh.

Episode 7 — Vedanga — Story of Bhaskaracharya.

Episode 8 — Upaveda — Story of Kacha (sage) Devayani.

Episode 9 — The Human Goal — Dharma — Story of Raja Harishchandra.

Episode 10 — The Human Goal — Artha — Story of Chanakya and Chandragupta.

Episode 11 — The Human Goal — Kama — Story of Bhartrihari.

Episode 12 — The Human Goal — Moksha — Story of Kotikarna.

Episode 13 — Student Life — Story of Satyakam.

Episode 14 — Married Life — Story of Kavi Magha.

Episode 15 — Retired Life — Story of Bhima — Dhritrastra and Story of Bimbisara-Ajatshatru.

Episode 16 — Renunciation 1 — Story of Vidyaranya.

Episode 17 — Renunciation 2 — Story of Maharshi Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi.

Episode 18 — Varna (The Universal Characterization) — Story of Chanakya and Chandragupta.

Episode 19 — Shodasha Samskara — The 16 Milestones of Life 1 — By Soordas.

Episode 20 — Shodasha Samskara — The 16 Milestones of Life 2 — By Soordas.

Episode 21 — Shodasha Samskara — The 16 Milestones of Life 3 — By Soordas.

Episode 23 — Glory of Human Birth — Story of Tulsidas.

Episode 24 — Adhikari — The Seeker of Knowledge — Story of Ashoka and Story of Nachiketa.

Episode 25 — Guru- Story of Story of Pingala and 24 Gurus of Dattatreya Avadhoot.

Episode 26 — Guru Upasadana — Seeking the Guru — Story of Indra and Virochan.

Episode 27 — The Quest — Story of Yudhishthira and Yaksh.

Episode 28 — Anatman — Not The Self — Story of Krishna — Subhadra and Story of Yamraj — Savitri.

Episode 29 — Atman — The True Self — Story of Arunagirinathar.

Episode 30 — The Existence Principle — Story of Maharshi Yajnavalkya and Gargi.

Episode 31 — Consciousness — The Life Principle — Story of Indra and Yaksha.

Episode 32 — The Bliss — Happy Man’s shirt.

Episode 33 — Bondage — Story of Puranjan.

Episode 34 — The Self & the Not-Self — Jada Bharata.

Episode 35 — God.

Episode 36 — Maya-The Power of Lord — Narada & Krishna.

Episode 37 — God’s Incarnations (Avatar) — Veda Vyasa.

Episode 38 Devta The Cosmic Deities Akbar & Birbal.

Episode 39 OM The Sacred Symbol Price of the Gem.

Episode 40 — The Creation — Varah Mihir.

Episode 41 — God, Me & The World — Story of Prahalad.

Episode 42 — The Three Realities — Story of Janaka — Ashtavakra and Story of Sage Ribhu — Nidagha.

Episode 43 — Three Personality Traits — Meerabai.

Episode 44 — Inborn Traits — Story of Mohan-Rajkumari and Story of Sant Eknath.

Episode 45-PreparatorySpiritualPracticesbhagirangSadhana-Pundalik.

Episode 46-AdvancedSpiritualPractices-StoryOfKhandikyaAndKeshidhvajaFromVishnuPurana.

Episode 47-The The Yoga Of Action karma Yog-Haridas Tansen.

Episode 48-The Yoga Of Devotion Bhakti Yoga- Story OfSaint Bhadrachala Ramadas.

Episode 49- The Yoga Of Knowledge gyan Yog — Sadashiva Bhrahmendra.

Episode 50- The Great Statements Of Truth- Mahvkyas-story Of Aruni And Shvetaketu Janak And Sukadev.

Episode 51-Liberationmukti-ParavaillaSwami.

Episode52- Master-disciple relation-An Expression Of Gratitude.

Upanishad Ganga all episodes download Now from here.

