How to buy travel insurance online: Step-by-step instructions for travellers

Prashant Panwar
4 min readMay 1, 2024
Buy travel insurance

How frequently do you travel abroad? Maybe once a year, once in a few years, or probably this is your first time. However, here are a few things to keep in mind wherever you are going. Whether for business, leisure or education, in 2024, more and more travellers are expected to travel outside India and explore the world. So whether you are planning to travel abroad for the first time or have done so in the past, travellers should always secure their journey with the right travel insurance.

With the right insurance for travelling, you can explore the world with a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that you’re protected against unforeseen circumstances. This article is a step-by-step guide to help you get the best insurance policy for your needs.

Why buy travel insurance?

Like other kinds of insurance, travel insurance is a contract between an insurer and the customer. In exchange for a nominal sum of money as a premium, the insurer will provide coverage for risks, enabling travellers to seek compensation or reimbursement for any unexpected expenses borne from these covered risks.

This means that in exchange for a premium as low as ₹1000, a traveller can secure their journey for risks up to $200,000 or perhaps even more. This enables travellers to have a safety net when faced with covered risks, provides financial protection for them, and secures access to quality medical facilities when faced with these risks.

Additionally, travellers planning a trip across Europe must know that to get a Schengen Visa, they must buy travel insurance to secure their journey. Similarly, several other countries mandate that Indians have insurance as a requirement for a visa.

When to buy travel insurance?

Travellers are recommended to purchase insurance as soon as their travel plans are confirmed. As soon as they have booked their flight tickets and accommodation, travellers should buy travel insurance to secure their journey and financially protect themselves from risks such as trip delay, cancellation, missed connecting flights, and more.

This is why it is often recommended that travellers buy insurance as soon as they book their flight tickets. In countries where insurance is mandatory to get a visa for entry, getting insurance early can ensure a smooth and hassle-free visa process.

What to consider when buying insurance when travelling?

  • Needs of the travellers

It is essential to consider what a traveller will be doing when travelling. For example, student travellers might have completely different requirements than business travellers. This is where choosing the right insurance plan is critical.

  • Exclusions

Travellers should consider the specific actions and risks which are not covered when planning a trip. For example, participating in adventure sports without coverage will lead to claim rejection and financial loss.

  • Cost to buy travel insurance

It is very affordable for travellers to buy travel insurance in India compared to other countries. However, travellers should consider the cost-to-benefit ratio when comparing different plans and ensure they do not get the cheapest plan but one that matches their needs.

  • Reliability of the insurer

Another primary consideration for travellers is the insurer’s reliability, whether it is the claim settlement ratio or 24/7 availability during an emergency. Travellers should consider these factors before landing on an insurer.

  • Ease of purchase

Travellers looking to buy travel insurance online get access to simple and intuitive purchase portals, enabling them to buy the right policy for their needs quickly and efficiently.

  • Hassle-free claims

What good is insurance if it does not protect the covered individual at times of need? A reliable insurance provider like Niva Bupa, which provides hassle-free claims processing, enables travellers to rest easy when faced with covered risks and continue enjoying themselves.

How to buy travel insurance online?

With the advent of the internet, it has never been easier for travellers to secure their journey with insurance. From selection to comparison and eligibility to purchase, nowadays, insurance providers like Niva Bupa make it so easy for travellers to buy international travel insurance that they can do so in minutes with just a few clicks.

Just by visiting the Niva Bupa website and clicking on travel insurance, you can follow the directions to secure your journey. Now, leave procrastination behind and explore the world with confidence by having the right insurance for your needs.


Whether you wish to travel for business, education, or leisure, by considering the above factors, you can secure your trip with the right policy and travel with confidence. Now, stow away your fears, whether you are looking to travel to Sydney, Australia, or Los Angeles in the USA, and travel when and how you want, covered with travel insurance.



Prashant Panwar

Prashant Panwar: Experienced SEO specialist adept at boosting website visibility through strategic optimization techniques.