The Importance of Working with a Licensed Insurance Agent: What You Need to Know

Prashant Panwar
4 min readApr 23, 2024

India’s health insurance sector has witnessed significant growth in recent years, fueled by rising healthcare costs and increasing awareness among individuals about the need for financial protection against medical emergencies. With many insurance providers and a myriad of policies on offer, consumers are often confronted with a wide array of choices.

Licensed insurance agents serve as knowledgeable guides who can help policy buyers analyse these policies and make the best decision. Unlike purchasing insurance online or through direct channels, working with an agent offers personalised advice tailored to your specific requirements. This article will walk you through licensed insurance agents’ roles and why you should consider availing their help.

Process of Licensing in India

Before starting with the benefits of working with a licensed agent, let’s look at the steps an aspiring agent must go through to obtain a license. This process ensures that agents have in-depth insurance industry knowledge and can adequately help policy buyers.

Meet Eligibility Criteria

Aspiring agents are required to meet certain requirements before embarking on their careers. This includes the age limit of being at least 18 years, successful completion of class 10th exams and holding a valid Aadhaar/PAN card.

Register with IRDAI

If the above criteria are met, individuals can register at the insurance regulator portal in India, i.e., the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.

Complete Training Requirements

Once registered, individuals are required to complete training programmes to gain a better understanding of their industry. For instance, health insurance agents must complete 15 hours of training. Top insurers like Niva Bupa provide assistance at this step with their advanced courses.

Successfully Clear the Licensing Exam

After completing the training hours, individuals must appear for an IRDAI-mandated state-level licensing examination. The syllabus for the same can be found on IRDAI’s website. Health agents must pass an hour-long exam that consists of 50 objective-type questions. If the aspirant can qualify for the exams, they can apply for the license and start practising.

Reasons for Partnering with Licensed Insurance Agents

From understanding policy details to securing the best coverage for your needs, here’s what you need to know about the significance of working with a licensed agent in the Indian healthcare insurance industry.

Expert Advice and Guidance

One of the primary advantages of consulting a licensed agent is gaining access to expert advice. Agents are well-versed in policy terms, including coverage limits, exclusions, and claim procedures. They can recommend policies that offer comprehensive coverage at affordable premiums by carefully assessing your healthcare needs and financial capabilities.

Tailored Solutions

Licensed agents understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to medical insurance. They take the time to assess your individual circumstances, such as your age, medical history, and family size, to recommend policies that meet your unique requirements. Whether you’re a young professional seeking basic coverage or a business holder looking for a group mediclaim policy, an agent can help you find the right solution.

Simplifying the Buying Process

Wrapping your head around the maze of insurance jargon and policy terms can be daunting for the average consumer. Licensed agents simplify the buying process by explaining complex concepts in easy-to-understand language and guiding you through each step of the decision-making process. From comparing different policies to completing paperwork, they handle the administrative tasks, saving you time and effort.

Advocates During Claims

In the unfortunate event of a medical emergency, having a licensed agent by your side can make all the difference. Agents act as advocates for their clients, ensuring that claims are processed smoothly and efficiently. They connect with insurance companies on your behalf, helping you handle the claims settlement process and addressing any issues that may arise.

Staying Informed About Regulatory Changes

The Indian healthcare insurance industry is subject to regulatory changes and evolving market dynamics. Health insurance agents stay updated about these developments, ensuring their clients are informed about any changes that may affect their coverage or premiums. Agents help you make informed decisions about your medical insurance needs by updating you on industry trends and regulatory requirements.

Building Long-Term Relationships

Insurance POS agents prioritise building long-term client relationships based on trust and transparency. They take the time to understand your evolving needs and adjust your insurance coverage accordingly. Whether it’s adding a new family member to your policy or upgrading your coverage as your income grows, agents are there to provide continuous support and guidance.

To Sum Up

The role of licensed insurance agents in the Indian medical insurance industry cannot be overstated. From providing expert advice and personalised solutions to simplifying the buying process and advocating for clients during claims, agents play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have access to the right coverage when they need it most.

If you’re exploring different insurance plans, you can secure the help of a licensed agent affiliated with a top insurer like Niva Bupa. Niva Bupa’s agents have comprehensive knowledge of their diverse plans. They can help you choose the best plan for your specific needs. You can thus save time and money, and enjoy peace of mind with Niva Bupa’s all-around insurance protection. Head over to Niva Bupa’s website to learn more.



Prashant Panwar

Prashant Panwar: Experienced SEO specialist adept at boosting website visibility through strategic optimization techniques.