Mobile App Personalization: When UI Meets AI to Improve User Experience (UX)

Prashant Sengar
5 min readAug 18, 2021


With the increased usage of mobile devices, the demand for mobile applications is also rapidly growing. Businesses of all niches are developing mobile apps to expand reach, bring in more customers, and generate more revenue.

Designing eye-grabbing mobile apps can strengthen your online presence, convert users highly, and help you surpass your competitors. However, if you aim to bring one thing into your mobile app design, you can literally take your app design game and user experience to a whole new level.

Excited to know what it is? I bet you are.

It’s personalization. Having said that, businesses are voraciously looking for a creative mobile app design agency with a knack for app designing and personalization. If you use the power of personalization the right way, you can go above and beyond the normal app design. And competitors will be left awestruck!

Users that receive a personalized experience tend to convert more highly. And how to do that! One of the most robust tools to integrate personalization into any app is — artificial intelligence (AI). Netflix is one great example of the same. Netflix’s personalized recommendations based on previous watches are adored worldwide.

If AI and UI (coupled together), it can do wonders for your mobile app design and enhance user experience to a great extent.

Before we dive in and explore how UI and AI (if combined) can improve UX, let’s first get familiar with some interesting facts about AI.

Ready to dive in? Great!

Some Interesting Facts About Artificial Intelligence

  • A recent study revealed that AI will contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.
  • Most products that people often are suggested by AI based on their purchase history and purchase pattern.
  • AI worries many experts, including Stephen Hawking about replacing humans in many industries in the coming future.
  • 54% of employees say that implementing AI in their workplace has increased productivity.
  • 79% of executives think AI will make their jobs simple and more efficient. Simplify their job and make it more efficient.

How to Deliver Highly Differentiated User Experience Combining AI and UI: 8 Steps to Follow

Strong Foundation of User Data

Well-resonating personalization is directly proportional to how relevant user data you can acquire. When you gather the right demographic, geolocation, and device type, you automatically build a solid foundation of user data. Capture your users’ in-app behaviors, actions, responses, and interactions to multi-channel marketing campaigns. Having user data and analytics by your side, you can prepare a working personalization strategy.

App Home Screen Personalization

In today’s scenario, the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. If you want to stand out amid today’s clutter and noise, you need to adopt personalization. That said, based on your data gatherings, start developing a personalized user experience on your app home screen.

For example, if you have a music streaming app, you can use data like name, age, gender, preferred languages, genres, favorite artists, and more to curate a personalized list of songs on your app home screen instantly.

Tailor-Made Mobile App Navigation Experience

Personalizing your app navigation can help you drastically improve the user experience. You can use parameters such as gender, buyer personas, geolocation, time of day/timezone, seasons/weather, etc., to personalize the images, graphics, CTAs, products, offers, and much more. The more individualized the navigation journey, the maximum the probability of your users finding exactly what they want, quickly.

Search Experience Personalization

If you pay attention to searches made by your potential users, you tend to understand the mechanism of search intent. Once you comprehend the search intent the right way and value the search inputs, it becomes easy for you to offer a personalized search experience. This way, with the help of AI, you can direct your users to exactly what they are looking for quickly. Amazon is a good example to get inspired for search personalization.

Real-Time AI-Led Predictive Recommendations

AI allows you to exhibit the most relevant recommendations across your home screen, product display screen, and product listing screen. You can even optimize these real-time recommendations for mobile display and click; thus, ensuring that you amplify the use of screen-space on every scroll. Moreover, these recommendations get cleaner with the time an individual user engages.

Content Categories Re-Ordering for Greater Context

If you have hundreds of content options within your library, you need to keep shuffling your content from time to time. AI can help you re-order the content categories seamlessly and that too in real-time for individual users so that they get the most relevant content recommendations. Near-instant product discovery and top-of-sight visibility become critical to conversions or consumption. This is one golden rule to remember.

Live Contextual Recommendations Via In-App Messages

You can optimize your in-app personalization strategy by setting off content recommendations and suitable offers to individual users via in-app messages. These can be set off when a user lands on certain predefined screens or when a user scrolls a finite percentage on specific predefined screens. AI can help spark off these in-app messages only when they really make sense, without upsetting the constant user experience.

Retargeting Existing Users with Personalized Ads

No matter how hard you try encouraging your users to use your services, make purchases, or engage with your content on your app, it can be intimidating, tedious, and time-taking, the sad but harsh reality of marketing. However, with AI, you can actually dive into every individual’s psyche and target them with the most relevant content through optimized retargeting ads across various digital channels.

Final Words

AI is one powerful tool. And if AI and UI are coupled with personalization, they can do wonders in terms of improving the user experience for your mobile app. From the personalized home screen, tailor-made app navigation, search engine personalization, real-time recommendations to retargeting existing customers with personalized ads, AI can take care of everything.

So what are you waiting for? Go combine the power of AI and UI to improve the UX.



Prashant Sengar

15 plus years of experience in digitizing businesses & transforming Startups into Brands.