Revolutionize the way you think

Prashant Gupta
3 min readFeb 8, 2019


Okay, here’s how my mind works. If I am feeling a bit sad, depressed or lonely, I try to look for things to do to make me happy. I play a game, I watch my favorite tv show or I call up my friends or family. I do all these things in search for happiness, so that hopefully by the time I finish with whatever I had decided to do, I would be happier than I was at the start. And I must stress on the word, hopefully. Because I am sure a lot of times we end up feeling the same if not worse after the thing we did. Probably binge watched a whole season of GOT. But then ended up feeling guilty that I didn’t complete the assignment or go to the gym. Talked to a friend. But ended up feeling lonely that they are not with me. In short, we do these things in the hope that we might end up feeling happy. And this is where I think we are all wrong.

What if, and do bear with me for some time because it will sound crazy, what if we visualized ourselves the happiest we’ve ever been before taking on the task? What if we sat down, closed our eyes, visualized that we have everything that we ever wanted and waited for the feeling of euphoria to kick in? What if we generated the happiness that we were hoping to get before even starting anything? Now that being said, this is not an easy technique to master. Our brains are unfortunately trained to look for and attract negative feelings, and this happiness bubble will burst at the slightest hint of negativity. That’s why control of the mind and thoughts is vital here. When you start to feel the happiness through visualization, you must make sure you control your thoughts after that. Whatever bad happened to you that day, whatever negativity you went through, you must put all that aside. Because you have everything that you ever wanted. Keep repeating that line inside your head. You have everything that you ever wanted. Imagine yourself with everything that you ever wanted. More importantly, visualize yourself having everything you ever wanted. Your dream job. A big family. A loving wife. All the money in the world. And it’s important to feel that thought rather than just think it.

And then open your eyes. Probably in the initial days you might still want to play that game or call up that friend, but as time passes, and you start practicing this exercise regularly, you will realize that you no longer want to do those things to make you happy. You are happy even before you start playing the game, and then you play just because you want to, without expecting anything in return. And trust me, you will play the best you’ve ever played. Because when you were expecting the game to make you happy, you wanted something to happen, and in that desire, you were putting pressure on yourself to play better, and that pressure was what was letting you down all this time. Of course, some days you might have ended up playing an awesome game and that would’ve lifted your morale, but the pressure will eventually get the better of you, and imagine how you’ll feel if you had a terrible game, and you were feeling sad before you even started playing.

And now for the best part. If you start feeling the ecstasy, you might not want to do the mundane things you wanted to do in the first place. You might want to try out something new, something that you had been meaning to do for a long time but were putting it off just because you were not feeling happy enough. Like going to the gym, starting a new lecture, or writing something like this. This document is the result of feeling that happiness before actually getting it.

Give it a shot! You have everything you need.

