Your relationship compass

A hobby to build your societal and personal relationship

Prashanth AR
5 min readMay 20, 2020

What if the solution to the hatred in you, your life, your family, and your society is encapsulated in a single hobby?
Before getting into the hobby I will introduce you to the necessity of it with my results of a political compass.

Boxing your ideology

The Political Compass is a website that uses responses to a set of questions to rate the political ideology with two axes: left-right and authoritarian–libertarian. Left-wing ideology parties are more socialist based. They tax more but they offer more government services, such as cheaper or free education and health. Right-wing parties are more corporately based. They allow businesses to have more freedom from the government. In the political compass, the questions were about society, culture, arts, education, religion, sex, etc. I answered all the questions, and the website plotted the result in a graph; it was a left-libertarian.

The result of my political compass

Once I got my result, I started connecting myself with a leftist or communist. I also recognized some of my actions and thoughts of myself as rightist or capitalist. I believed in government hospitals with greater quality. I also believed in private startups with disruptive innovations. These both are the positives in both ideologies. Why should I box myself under the banner of communism and ignore the positives of capitalism or the vise-verse? shouldn’t I embrace the positives of both? Shouldn’t I embrace the intentions of both?

“If you box and brand yourself with one ideology without noticing the intentions of other ideology, you are ignoring the positives of the other ideology”

Judging the ideology

The more you box and brand yourself with one ideology or ism without noticing the intention of others, the more hatred you spread towards the other ism. The isms can be Communism or Capitalism, veganism or non-vegetarianism, Feminism or Masculism, Hinduism or Islamism, Minimalism or Maximalism, theism or rationalism.

Once I started branding myself as a vegan I saw the non-vegetarians as cruel but the intention was their love towards food, love towards the taste should I not embrace that intention?. Once I started believing in minimalism, I felt uncomfortable talking to people wearing more jewelry, Isn't it the love and gratitude towards themselves and the material being seen? shouldn't I speak with more love to them, embracing their gratitude?

Once you boxed your ideology, you judge your friend's ideology. Let's assume yourself to be a staunch communist who believed in Karl Marx. And you meet a friend as a capitalist. Every time he supports globalization, you start with a healthy discussion but it leads to a disagreed heated debate. The more you tested his ideology, the more ego you create to prove yourself right, and the more you felt being tested for your ideology. Every debate with your friend invites anger, hatred, and negativity. Every time you boxed your friend with an ideology, you failed to see the positives in him and his principles.

A luxury bungalow

Let’s narrow down to another situation where you visit your relative’s home who is an ultra-rich entrepreneur. It’s a majestic bungalow with a super luxury car compared to your house and your vehicle. Have you felt comfortable visiting him? You feel uncomfortable. You judge his actions, his house, his source of income, and box him to be a corruptive person or a successful capitalist. You feel judged for your income and class and feel uncomfortable. You never noticed his love for hard work or love for his employees.

A poor slum

Consider another situation where you visit another relative who is a municipality worker in his comparatively lower-class house with a two-wheeler, You judge his actions, his house, his source of income and box him to be an unsuccessful person or a poor communist. You feel judged for your friendship and feel uncomfortable. You failed to spot the truthfulness and love in his relationships or his love for physical work. Shouldn’t you embrace the love of both the entrepreneur and the worker? Shouldn’t you embrace the intentions of both?

The more you judge a person, the more you feel judged

Boxed aliens

Let's take the relationship of a couple. With time, the loving and curious couple turns to be boring and disinterested aliens. The curiosity to know each other decreases. Both of them turn to be more judgemental and they box each other with their negative attributes. Tagging them with their negative characteristics solidifies it and hinders their personal growth.

Intention of Idly

Every day, each person is evolving as an individual. They have their own interests and their love for life. By boxing them and pointing their negatives, we kill our curiosity to notice their evolution. We forget to listen to their intentions. Instead, we judge them with their actions.

Intentions of every action of an individual or an ideology of every ism has pure love in it.

If your partner shouts and pesters you for overusing mobile or being disorganized. You judge him or her by the act of scolding or shouting, but the intention here is the pure love towards you.

Your mom cooks the idly with so much of love towards you, but once you spot the less salt in the idly. In the name of a truthful critic you tell her the salt is less. Her face frowns. Imagine if you have appreciated her for the right shape? right consistency? More than everything the love towards you. She will eat and find the most appreciated idly from you to be a salt less idly. Will this not create a wonderful platform to make the next idly to be a perfect one?

Hobby of spotto

By spotting the intention in them, you would recognize their positivity and embrace it with gratefulness. Yes, every time we spot an intention we find more positivity in another person and we become more grateful towards them. We pave the way for mutual growth in our family. By spotting the intention and embracing every ism, we would embrace positivity and gratitude in our society. Let's break the ideology of boxing people and ideology..!!

“ Let's spot the intention and embrace the gratitude..!! ”

As a reader, you have an amazing curiosity and focus to read my article completely, my hugs, and gratitude for it. Spotto is an Australian hobby, people traveling in a car or bus spot a specific color two-wheeler or car and they shout spotto whenever they spotted it. Like, spotto Let's embrace this beautiful hobby of intention spotting and spot the intentions of every action in our life journey. I have taken it as a hobby. As a reader, you can start this hobby today by spotting the intentions in this article and embracing your gratitude.

My complete gratitude and love for my family, friends, and for bringing the answers to me.



Prashanth AR

Writer with a love for Stars, Starlings and Sapiens. Engineer with a flare for entreprenurship, product development and systems thinking.