Simple and Cheap: Create a DIY Mouse Jiggler with Raspberry Pi PicoToday, my Amazon feed was flooded with mouse jiggler suggestions in various shapes, sizes, and features. A few days ago, during a chat with…Nov 1, 2024Nov 1, 2024
Delete/Archive Azure Blobs Like a ProIf you are still writing a Function or a Logic App or maybe a web job or a PowerShell script somewhere to periodically delete or archive or…Aug 23, 2024Aug 23, 2024
Geo-Distributed Load Testing via K6 and Azure Container InstancesUse Azure Container Instances for geo-distributed load testing with K6Jun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023
Create Azure Resources Programmatically By Executing Terraform Commands in GoLearn a new way to execute terraform commands programmatically in Go to provision resources in Azure.May 4, 2023May 4, 2023
How to Create and Push your Docker images to Azure Container RegistryHost your private images easily with Azure Container RegistryApr 25, 2023Apr 25, 2023
How to Host Your React Application for Cheap with Azure Blob StorageIf you have a static website, blog or a react application, here is how you can host them for cheap with Azure Blob Storage. This article…Apr 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023
Capture screenshot and description of a web page using Go and ChromedpAdding or sharing a link with a snapshot of a web page is a very useful feature in Microsoft Teams or in Zoom chat. This gives a user a way…Apr 5, 2023Apr 5, 2023
Marvel Comics Universe Graph DatabaseIn the past decade Marvel has gathered a lot of fan following which eventually lead all the fans to know more about how the Marvel comics…Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023