Prashant phad
2 min readJul 15, 2024

EC2 Instance and YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) are two separate but related concepts in the context of managing software packages on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

EC2 Instance: An EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instance is a virtual server in the cloud provided by AWS.It allows you to run applications and services in a scalable and flexible manner.When you launch an EC2 instance, you can choose the operating system (such as Amazon Linux,Ubuntu, or Windows) and configure the instance with various resources like CPU, memory, storage,and networking.

YUM Management: YUM is a package manager commonly used in Linux distributions based on the RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) system, such as Amazon Linux, CentOS, and Fedora. YUM allows you to install,update, and remove software packages on your Linux system. It simplifies the process of managingsoftware dependencies by automatically resolving and installing the required packages. When working with EC2 instances, YUM is often used to manage software packages and their updates.

Here are some common YUM commands and their usage:

: Installs a package and its dependencies.

: Updates all installed packages to their latest versions.

: Uninstalls a package from the system.

: Searches for packages matching a specific keyword.

: Displays detailed information about a package.

: Lists all installed packages.

: Clears the local cache of downloaded package files.

To use YUM on an EC2 instance, you need to connect to the instance via SSH and run the YUM commands in the terminal or command line. Make sure your EC2 instance has internet connectivity and the necessary repositories configured in the YUM configuration files to download packages from the internet. It’s important to note that YUM is specific to RPM-based Linux distributions. If you’re using a different Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you’ll typically use a different package manager, such as APT (Advanced Package Tool).

Prashant phad

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