
Prashant phad
2 min readApr 3, 2024



  1. Jenkins Server: Ensure you have Jenkins installed and running. If not, you can install Jenkins following the official documentation.
  2. Docker: Make sure Docker is installed on the Jenkins server, as we’ll be using Docker commands in the pipeline.


1. Fork and Clone the Repository

  • Fork the To-do-app-cicd repository to your GitHub account.
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

2. Create Jenkins Pipeline

  • In Jenkins, go to “New Item” to create a new Pipeline.
  • Enter a name for your pipeline (e.g., “TodoAppPipeline”) and select “Pipeline” as the type.
  • Click “OK” to create the pipeline.

3. Configure Pipeline Script

  • In the pipeline configuration, scroll down to the “Pipeline” section.
  • Select “Pipeline script” as the Definition.
  • Copy and paste the following script into the Script box:
pipeline {
agent any
    stages {
stage('Clone Repository') {
steps {
git ''
stage('Build Docker Image') {
steps {
script {'todo-app', '-f Dockerfile .')
stage('Deploy to Jenkins') {
steps {
script {
docker.image('todo-app').withRun('-p 8080:8080 --name todo-app') { c ->
echo "App running on http://localhost:8080/"
post {
success {
echo 'Pipeline succeeded!'
failure {
echo 'Pipeline failed :('

4. Save and Apply Changes

  • Save the pipeline script.
  • Click “Apply” and then “Save” to save the pipeline configuration.

5. Run the Pipeline

  • Go back to the Jenkins dashboard and find your newly created pipeline.
  • Click “Build Now” to run the pipeline.
  • Jenkins will clone the repository, build the Docker image using the Dockerfile in the repository, and deploy the application to Jenkins itself.

6. Access the Deployed Application

  • Once the pipeline completes successfully, you can access the deployed application on Jenkins.
  • Open a web browser and navigate to http://jenkins-server-ip:8080 to see the deployed Node.js Todo App

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Prashant phad

<..DevOps Intern @ExlearnTechnologies. Ex intern @Hometute Immediate Joiner Entry-Level || DevOps || Cloud Engineer ||..>