The Microservices Approach to Mobile Application Development (Part I)

Prashant Ram


Read Part 2 here!

Microservices architecture has become a well explored and beloved architecture in building large complex applications. Micro services allows the decomposition of a large monolith application into smaller loosely coupled entities that can leverage each other using http protocol. It is an implementation of the SOA architecture, and allows one to be able to leverage several advantages associated with building applications using this approach.

The advantages of loosely coupling components include,

  • Independent technology stacks
  • Targeted scalability
  • Separate teams that focus on specific functionality
  • Ability to deploy parts of the application separately, without having to deploy a large monolithic application every single time.

Monolith Mobile Apps vs. Microservices Mobile Apps

I ventured to explore the ability to implement micro services architecture when building large complex mobile applications.

The idea was to bring the advantages of the micro services world to mobile application development.

Let us take for example the Alexa Mobile App. This single app is actually a fairly sophisticated and complex app, that provides a single portal for the user to interact with Alexa, and encapsulates several different…



Prashant Ram

Technologist, Author, Speaker-with a passion for learning new things every day. Specializing in helping Startups and Enterprises move to the modern web!