Data Engineering — Normalization

prasanna kumar
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Explaining normalization in the context of big data to a child can be a bit challenging, but let’s simplify it as much as possible:

Child-Friendly Explanation: Imagine you have a box of colorful blocks. Some blocks are big, and some are small. You want to arrange them in a way that makes it easy to find and play with them. Normalization is like organizing these blocks by putting all the same colors together. This way, when you want to play with a specific color, you know exactly where to find it. In big data, normalization helps make the data organized and easier to work with!

Visual Explanation: Imagine a collection of animals in a zoo. Each animal has its own details, like its name, habitat, and age. In an unnormalized state, this information might be repeated for every appearance of the same animal. Now, let’s visualize normalization visually using a simple table:

Each table focuses on a specific type of information, and they’re connected using unique IDs. This way, we save space and avoid repeating the same information.

Types of Normalization: There are different levels of normalization, known as normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, etc.). They ensure data is organized efficiently and reduces redundancy.

Important Interview Questions and Answers:

  1. What is normalization in big data?
  • Answer: Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency. It involves breaking data into smaller tables and establishing relationships between them.

2. Why is normalization important in big data projects?

  • Answer: Normalization helps eliminate data duplication, making storage more efficient. It also ensures data consistency and reduces anomalies that can occur when data is stored redundantly.

3. Explain the process of normalization with an example.

  • Answer: Normalization involves dividing a dataset into smaller, related tables. For example, in a customer orders database, separating customers’ personal information from their order details would be a normalization step.

4. What are the drawbacks of excessive normalization?

  • Answer: Excessive normalization can lead to complex queries and joins, affecting query performance. It’s important to strike a balance between normalization and query efficiency.

5. What are the different normal forms?

  • Answer: There are multiple normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, etc.) that define specific rules for organizing data. Each subsequent normal form builds upon the previous one to achieve higher levels of organization and efficiency.

6. Give an example of a situation where denormalization might be necessary.

  • Answer: Denormalization can be useful for analytical queries that involve complex joins. For example, a reporting dashboard might denormalize data to improve query speed.

7. How does normalization relate to data integrity?

  • Answer: Normalization ensures data integrity by reducing the risk of anomalies and inconsistencies that can arise from redundant or duplicated data.

8. What are the advantages of denormalization in big data?

  • Answer: Denormalization can improve query performance and simplify complex queries. It’s especially useful in read-heavy environments, such as reporting systems.

9. How does normalization affect storage space in big data environments?

  • Answer: Normalization reduces data redundancy, which can lead to storage space savings. However, normalizing data too much might increase the number of joins in queries, potentially impacting performance.

10. Give an example of a scenario where a well-normalized structure might be preferred in a big data project.

  • Answer: In an online retail system, a well-normalized database would be preferred for transactional data storage. This ensures accurate order tracking and minimizes data duplication.

Normalization is a fundamental concept in databases, ensuring data organization and efficiency in big data projects. By understanding its principles and applying them effectively, big data engineers can design more robust and optimized data storage solutions.



prasanna kumar

CS Grad @IU Bloomington, USA [ Exploring opportuniries currently in the field of Data engineering. ]