Getting into Volvo-Eicher

Akshay Pratap Singh
5 min readSep 17, 2020

So, after the strings of rejections from giants like Bajaj, Whirlpool, ISRO, etc., assisted with my attitude of being rigid about my choices, I was still waiting for my first placement offer. 7 months had already passed since the first company arrived our campus but I was there waiting for my offer with my friends already fitted themselves somewhere between Infosys and Microsoft. Contrary to my situation, I was quite relaxed. I had this Dhoni nature of being waiting till last, owing to my calmness. A time arrived when my friends started pushing me a bit towards ‘anything’. But I was choosy and selective.

I remember the day when I was sipping my favorite cappuccino with loads of sugar (I like it that way :D) amidst the clamoring atmosphere of cafeteria, a message popped up in my phone confirming me for the next round of VECV (Giant venture of Volvo and Eicher). Be it a first or last interview, I hardly had my nerves out of control.

A day before, I kept my chores as usual. Got my documents ready and made a visit to Hanuman Temple as it happened to be a Tuesday.

The next day dawned bright though windy. It was a month of January and 10.30 the clock showed when I was called in the auditorium for pre-placement talk by company officials. The atmosphere was heated up and I don’t know why I had a different zeal that day, as if I have come up with an intent of somebody like Chris Gayle in his prime form. I was waiting for my chance in GD. Infact, I was preparing myself for the next rounds, keeping in mind that GD won’t be barrier.

11.00 am

We were called for the Group discussions round. But there was a little surprise from their side, they made 3 groups of 14 each. And it was the moment when anxiety hovered in the air. Students looked quite tense because cracking a group of 14 was not something other companies made us used to. It would hardly be a group of 6 or 8 every time. And I was there, cornered with smug airing my environs. Call it my bragging, but I felt confident enough to crack a ratio of even 14:1.

We were called for the discussion. The topic was strange enough to make one feel queasy in the situation. But I felt the ball in my court, and started keeping my points from the first minute itself. Everyone kept their eyes glued to my hands movement and my eloquence of presenting the words, paving my path to become the center of attraction. Few minutes passed when others kept their points but could not supplant my domineering situation. Finally after a good discussion of some 15 minutes, we came out of the room. Few were relaxed while others seemed a bit worried.

1.30 P.M.

I was basking in the shades of sultry sunlight when the list of selected candidates came out. They were just 6 out of 42 who got selected for PIs. It didn’t give me even a single jolt. I casually opened the list to find my name on top. No excitements prevailed in my heart as the job was yet to be done. I piled up all my documents, tucked my shirt properly and gave a final slide to my hair. I was first in the list so I was called first and asked to wait outside the panel room.

Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

2.00 P.M.

I was summoned inside the panel room. I felt a bit nervous as if an elastic band twanging inside my belly.

With a easy smile, I slid open the door and asked the permission to get inside.

“Yes Akshay, please come in!” A husky voice reached my ears.

There were four middle-aged, handsomely dressed gentlemen sitting and casually checking out my application form.

“Please have a seat, Akshay. And yeah, you can introduce yourself,” the interviewer gave me a welcoming smile. Without any gush of anxiety, I introduced myself.

Interviewer: Your profile, your projects are quite impressive. What have you done in your college life other than mechanical engineering?

Me: Sir, other than Netflix and Cricket, I am into reading and writing a lot. I have written a lot of stuff like poetries, stories, crossovers, etc. I recently co-authored a book and also I have some million views on Quora.

Interviewer: That’s pretty much impressive. And you also into reading stuff, right? What did you read recently?

Me: (smiles) I have this bad habit of reading Harry Potter series frequently but recently I read Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.

Interviewer: And what was that book actually about?

Me: Uhh sir, it was about unleashing the certain codes to know and protect the secret of a family. Also, it chastised certain orthodox beliefs. But I won’t suggest it to read to a catholic person.

Interviewer: (chuckles) None of us are catholic. And, I had only watched the movie.

(The interview went another fifteen minutes where they asked me about the details of my projects, my plannings for the future, my favorite subjects, etc. Thankfully, I answered their each and every question correctly and interview was coming to the end with a satisfaction)

Interviewer: Okay, Mr. Akshay. We are done with the interview. And we are quite impressed. But would you answer just this one question?

Me: Sure, sir.

Interviewer: You have a 9 CG on your resume. Projects are quite well. Everything looks pretty good. And even we didn’t find you fumble for a moment. So, what took you so long that you didn’t get any offer till now?

Me: (Honestly, I was irked but somehow I kept my calm and fake smiled) Sir, its upto the selection committee what they decide. All I am doing is to work on myself. So, I don’t have any grudges or complaints.

Interviewer: (smiles gently) You may go. All the best.

I was beaming when I came out of the room. Although, my past interviews went in the same fashion too but this day I had a feeling Finally I have got one!

It was obviously going to take a couple of hours for the result since I was the first candidate and others were in the queue to get interviewed. So amid this, I had my lunch and ate till my stomach was full. Rested in the cafeteria to sip cold coffee and around 6 PM, I went back anticipating it to be the time of results.

6.30 PM

We all were summoned once again inside. The moment had once again peered right infront of my eyes. My heart was throbbing, I could feel every fiber inside my body clenching itself.

The interviewer was standing with a list of selected candidates. Thoughts started running in my mind,

“What if its not today?” “Oh God! Don’t be merciless atleast today!” “Damn! Would you please announce it now..?”


(Took a big pause) “AKSHAY PRATAP SINGH!”, “…”, “…..”……

I stood numb. I didn’t know how to cherish this moment. I felt sort of emotional. Though, it was not the culminating moment but I could see myself struggling in those past 7 months. And for those 7 months of patience, for those 7 months of struggle, it was worth it. I could sense the feeling of being jubilant in the form of tears in my eyes.

It was one of the those memorable days of my life :)



Akshay Pratap Singh

Apart from my life at , I do storytelling from my personal experiences, share books synopsis and scribble musings.