Pacemaker in Linux: Ensuring Heartbeats of High Availability Services

Prateek Bansal
2 min readAug 11, 2023


Pacemaker in Linux: An Introduction

Pacemaker is a high-availability cluster resource manager. It works to ensure that the cluster services remain available even when there are failures, either in the hardware or software. In essence, if one server in a cluster faces an issue, Pacemaker will ensure that its responsibilities are instantly picked up by another server to minimize service disruptions.

Key Concepts:

  1. Cluster: A group of servers working together to ensure high availability of services. These servers constantly communicate to monitor each other’s health.
  2. Resources: These are the services that the cluster manages. Examples include virtual IPs, databases, file systems, and more.
  3. Nodes: Individual servers within the cluster.

How Does Pacemaker Work?

Pacemaker works hand in hand with another tool called Corosync. While Pacemaker is responsible for managing the cluster’s resources (like starting or stopping services), Corosync handles cluster membership and messaging. Think of Corosync as the messenger that notifies Pacemaker when a node has failed.

The duo ensures:

  • Service Failover: If a service fails on one node, it can be automatically migrated to another node.
  • Service Recovery: Restarting services that have failed.
  • Node Failover: If an entire server (node) fails, its services are migrated to a remaining healthy server.

Real-World Scenario:

Imagine you’re running a crucial web application. If it goes down, thousands of users could be affected. To ensure high availability, you can use Pacemaker to manage the application across multiple servers. If one server unexpectedly crashes or needs maintenance, Pacemaker will move the web application to a functioning server, ensuring minimal disruption for users.

Concluding Thoughts:

Pacemaker, in the Linux world, plays a critical role in ensuring that services are always up and running. When paired with tools like Corosync, it provides a robust solution for maintaining high service availability in clustered environments.


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