SSL & TLS 4: Public Key Infrastructure

Prateek Bansal
6 min readDec 4, 2023


Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a framework established to enable secure, encrypted communication and authentication over networks. It uses a combination of hardware, software, policies, and standards to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates. PKI is integral for establishing a trustworthy environment by providing a digital identity to the entities involved in electronic transactions.

Concepts of Public Key Infrastructure:

1. Digital Certificates

A digital certificate is an electronic document that uses a digital signature to bind a public key with an identity. The certificate can include information about the key, identity, and the digital signature of an entity that has verified the certificate’s contents.

2. Certificate Authority (CA)

A Certificate Authority is a trusted entity that issues digital certificates. The CA verifies the identity of the certificate requester and then issues a certificate to ensure that the public key actually belongs to the entity.

3. Registration Authority (RA)

An RA is responsible for accepting requests for digital certificates and authenticating the entity making the request. It does not issue certificates but can assist a CA in the verification process.

4. Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

A CRL is a list of digital certificates that have been revoked by the issuing CA before their scheduled expiration date and should no longer be trusted.

5. Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)

OCSP is used to check the revocation status of an X.509 digital certificate without requiring CRLs. It is a more efficient method because it checks the current status of a single certificate instead of downloading a list of revoked certificates.

6. Key Pairs

In PKI, a key pair consists of a private key and a public key. The private key is kept secret, while the public key is widely distributed and available in a public directory or embedded within a digital certificate.

7. Trust Model

The trust model in PKI establishes the hierarchy and path that trust can flow from one entity to another. This can be a simple chain or a more complex web of trust.

8. Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)

S/MIME is a standard for public key encryption and signing of MIME data. It is widely used in email systems.

9. Transport Layer Security (TLS)

TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides end-to-end security of data sent between applications over the Internet. It is widely used for web browsers, email, instant messaging, and voice-over-IP (VoIP).

10. Domain Validation (DV)

DV certificates confirm that the CA has verified the right of the applicant to use a specific domain name. This is a basic form of validation.

11. Organization Validation (OV) and Extended Validation (EV)

OV and EV certificates require more rigorous validation procedures than DV certificates. EV certificates have the highest level of validation and require the CA to perform a detailed examination before issuing the certificate.

Major Information about PKI Infrastructure:

  • PKI is essential for secure electronic banking, online shopping, and other transactions where data security and authentication are crucial.
  • It enables the use of digital signatures, which provide non-repudiation, ensuring that a transaction cannot be denied later.
  • PKI supports a range of cryptographic algorithms and can be scaled to accommodate an organization’s needs.
  • Implementation of PKI involves careful planning of the infrastructure, including choosing the right type of certificates, managing the lifecycle of certificates, and ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulations.
  • PKI is used in government, military, and commercial sectors to secure communication, protect information, and establish trust.
  • For individuals, PKI provides the framework for secure email communication, secure access to websites, and confidentiality of online transactions.

PKI is the backbone of secure internet operations and is deeply integrated into modern digital communication and transaction systems. It not only ensures confidentiality and integrity but also provides a mechanism for asserting identities in the digital world.

Let’s simplify the concept of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and use an analogy to make it more understandable.

Easy Language Explanation

Imagine PKI as the passport system of the digital world. Just like a passport confirms your identity and allows you to travel between countries, PKI verifies the identities of people and devices on the internet. This system lets everyone know who is who and if they can be trusted, much like a passport stamp tells countries that another country has vetted you and you’re good to go.

Analogy to Understand PKI Concepts:

  1. Digital Certificates: These are like digital passports for websites or devices. Just as a passport has your photo and personal details, a digital certificate has a device’s or website’s details along with a public key.
  2. Certificate Authority (CA): Think of a CA as the government that issues passports. They check your details and give you a passport if everything is correct.
  3. Registration Authority (RA): The RA is like the local government office where you apply for a passport. They check your documents and then pass your application to the CA.
  4. Certificate Revocation List (CRL): This list is like a bulletin of revoked passports. If a passport is on this list, it means it’s no longer valid, just like a revoked certificate shouldn’t be trusted.
  5. Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP): Instead of checking a long list of revoked passports, imagine you could just scan a passport to see if it’s still good. That’s what OCSP does for digital certificates.
  6. Key Pairs (Private and Public Keys): These keys are like the lock and key on your suitcase. The public key is like the lock — everyone can see it, but only your private key can open it.
  7. Trust Model: The trust model is like the international agreements between countries on which passports they consider valid.
  8. Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME): S/MIME for email is like a seal on an envelope. It ensures that the message inside hasn’t been opened or tampered with during transit.
  9. Transport Layer Security (TLS): TLS is like the armored van that transports valuables between banks. It ensures that no one can get to the contents while they’re being moved.
  10. Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), and Extended Validation (EV): These are like different levels of background checks for getting a passport. DV is a basic check, OV is more thorough, and EV is the most extensive.

Major Info about PKI in Simple Terms:

  • PKI keeps your online activities and transactions safe and secure, just like a good security system in a building.
  • It makes sure that when you’re sending important information, like credit card numbers, it’s encrypted — kind of like sending a coded message that only the right person can decode.
  • PKI helps you know that the websites you’re visiting are actually what they claim to be, not imposters trying to steal your information.
  • It’s used everywhere online, from buying things to sending emails, ensuring that all these activities are safe from prying eyes.

In essence, PKI is like the whole system that makes sure your digital world is as trustworthy as your physical one, using digital passports, seals, and coded messages to keep things secure and reliable.


While the author of this document possesses knowledge on the topic, they cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions contained herein. This material is created strictly for educational purposes. The author has undertaken diligent research before crafting this content; however, it is always possible that certain nuances or details might have been inadvertently overlooked. The technical information presented is accurate as of the time this article was written, but it is important to note that details may evolve or change over time.

The content may include materials and infographics sourced from other creators. Every effort has been made to provide appropriate credits. However, if there are any omissions in attribution or if any individual or entity believes their material should not be used, kindly reach out and the content in question will be promptly addressed or removed.

Readers are encouraged to refer to the references provided within the article for a more comprehensive understanding. To ensure grammatical correctness and clarity, this content has been reviewed and refined using OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

