8 Simple Tips to Boost Your Employee’s Morale!

Prateek Saxena
4 min readJun 16, 2017


Believe it or not, but it is true that the backbone of your business success is the productivity of your employees. It’s the hard work and determination of the employees that you are able to execute your idea into a reality, make a business and gain popularity. When employees are passionate and motivated, they give their 100% efforts and boost the company’s reputation. But, can they remain motivated all the time? Will their performance grow exponentially with each passing day?

Employee Motivation

Every human get bored and fatigued at one or another point of their work life. So, it is required to gear up their morale at defined time gaps. And being the entrepreneur, the management of the company- it’s your responsibility to keep them motivated to give productive results and remain a part of the company till the end.

You can boost the morale of your staff in various ways! Here I’m sharing a few of the easiest and simplest ways to keep them tuned:

Wish daily!

Greet your employees

Communicate daily with every employee whom you encounter with or who reports to you. Even a simple ‘Good morning’ wish can make their day!

Open Communication!

Open Communication- The Source of New Ideas and Progress

An open communication must be the policy of the company. The best way to do so is to allow the employees to meet you anytime to discuss anything. Second way is to hold weekly meeting with each employee individually. In this meeting, ask them to tell their concerns, their suggestions and share a mind-blowing idea or information that can help you in your business or in maintaining relations with your staff. This way, you can explore your employees in a better way, and who knows you come across a hidden talent that skyrockets your business.

Maintain harmonious atmosphere!

Healthy Environment at Workplace

Employees should not feel stressed or like punished to be in the office area; there should be a peace of mind in the working area. The management should always take care about the relations between the employees, the relations between the employees and management, etc. If there seems to be a dispute between any two, listen to the both ends and provide the optimal solution without compromising with the decorum of the professional workplace.

One thing that I would suggest for this is to respect and value each and every person associated with the company. Make them feel that they are an important part of the company, and yes- they matter!

Value their ideas!

Welcome ideas of your employees

The best company is the one where all work as companion, not in the hereditary manner. You should always welcome the ideas of your employees and think on them. After all, their idea might help you to solve your business problem, or help to take the business to the next level.

Train them!

Feed Your Employees with the Up-to-date knowledge

Everyday something new is adding into the market. You should be aware of all the latest techniques, and tools used. And even train your employees to make them more capable to do their work.

I think it is better to hold a training session at the end of every month.

Appreciate Your Employees!

Appreciate Your

It’s not mandatory to connect your employees only to assign them some task or scold them; you can also communicate them to appreciate them for their outstanding performance. This will surely motivate them to work even harder for the company, without any compulsion. You can appreciate your staff by giving them free holidays, a bonus, a gift or clapping in front of all.

Build a cordial relation with your team!

Congratulate your staff on their life events like birthday, marriage, new babies, etc. Ask them about how their personal and company events turned out. Inquire them if they need any assistance.

Fire the resisters!

Despite all of your efforts, if an employee does not behave properly or work progressively- fire him! Such people are of no use to your business. Instead, they might ruin the atmosphere of the workstation.

So, try these tips & boost your employee’s morale!

Give them a reason to come to office beside the salary!

