IIT Madras BSc/BS Degree in Data Science and Applications Notes

Pratham Bhalla
Oct 22, 2023





Some Resources and Notes for some courses:

  1. Deep learning — Shrerry’s Notes, Dive into Deep Learning, Sejal Notes
  2. AI-Search methods for Problem Solving — Sejal Notes
  3. Market Research — Sejal Notes
  4. Privacy and Security in Online Social Media — Sejal Notes
  5. Industry 4.0 — Vineet Notes

Software Engineering Notes by Azfar Faheem

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

SPG Notes by Azfar Faheem

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

As of now, only these notes are available. If you have made notes, do contact me. Hope it helps.


Thanks to Shri Krishna Pandey for sharing these resources.

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Pratham Bhalla

A jack of all trades, going to be master of some to create a positive impact for the coming generations.