USB-C on iPhones

Prathamesh Chougule
3 min readAug 30, 2023

The Apple September event is hardly 10 days away and there are rumors that this year we will see USB type-c iPhones., EU is obligated to make every phone, tablet, Camera, headphone, and other device have a USB Type-c charging port by the end of 2024. This will extend to the laptops from spring 2026. But Apple being the die-hard supporter of lightning port, will they accept this that quickly? I don’t think so. So what are the different ways that Apple will introduce this?

Case 1. USB TYPE-C for Pros and lightning for non-pros -

There is a chance of this happening as Apple has a buffer of one year so that they can add the features in the base models of 2024. But If Apple does this, it will be a massive task for them to convince the audience to buy a non-pro with lightning along with a pro having a Type-C. Also, if they advertise it as a “Pro feature”, it will be very anti-Apple to give this to regular models the next year. That’s one of the reasons, that we don’t have a 120Hz base iPhone, as they call it ProMotion Display. If they start giving that to the base iPhones as well, they can’t term it as “Pro”Motion.

Case 2. Regular USB Type-C for both devices-

This will be the safest move for Apple, as it’s no no-brainer for them and a normal consumer. They can simply advertise it in the Classic Apple way by calling it with some fancy name. But for Apple, it will be very hard as they have to cope with the competition like some Chinese manufacturers who offer triple-digit power output wattage.

Case 3. Thunderbolt for Pros and regular Type-c for non-Pros -

There is a very good chance that this will happen. As Apple always tries to keep a separation between Pro and Non-pro iPhones, this can be a good move. They have a reason as well to back this conversation — ProRes videos.ProRes is a “Visually Lossless” video compression format exclusive to Pro iPhones. Apple can market this as a good transfer speed for big ProRes files. And they might never bring Thunderbolt to Non-pros until the rumored “Port-less iPhone”.

These are the three major possibilities that can happen. There is a small possibility that they will give Type-C ports to the iPhones but they will limit it through software like MFI, Where the iPhones can be charged only with MFI-certified cables.MFI stands for Made-for-iPhone, which is a certification given by Apple to third-party accessory manufacturers who are making accessories for iPhones. But they have to think about the accessories as well. So the most essential accessory is Airpods. There are rumors that we can expect a Type-C Airpods Pro and Airpods Max. This is the most probable thing because these are the two devices that are used by most people, but the chances of Airpods 3 getting upgraded are less because if they come with the Lightning port, Apple can push their customers to the Airpods Pros.

