Prathamesh Nimkar
5 min readMar 25, 2020

The post has been updated to install the latest version of Cloudera Manager 6.3.1

Part 1

Part 2

  • Cloudera Manager — Cluster Installation
  • Cloudera Manager — Cluster Configuration


  • You have a Google Cloud account. If not, click here to create a free-tier Google Cloud account. This will give you USD 300 of free credit
  • Manual installation of Cloudera Manager without Google’s Dataproc functionality

Creating a cluster with 4 nodes on GCP

Once you create a Google Cloud account. Navigate to the console and hit the drop-down for “Select a project”

Now on the top-right, hit “NEW PROJECT”. Add a “project name” and click save. Leave “organization” as-is

From the navigation menu on the left, select Compute Engine -> VM Instances as shown

“Create” a new VM Instance

Add a generic name for the instance. I generally do instance-1 or instance-001 and continue the numbers consecutively

Select “us-central1 (Iowa)” region with the “us-central1-a” zone. This seems to be the cheapest option available

The “n1” series of general-purpose machine type is the cheapest option

Under machine type, select “Custom” with 2 cores of vCPU and 12 GB of RAM. Please note there is a limit to the number of cores and total RAMs provided under the free-tier usage policy

Under “Boot disk”, select Centos OS 7 as the OS and 100 GB as storage

Under Identity and API access, leave the access scopes as-is

Under Firewall, select both boxes to enable HTTP and HTTPS traffic

Repeat the steps above to create 4 nodes each with the same configuration

In SSH drop-down, select “open in browser window”. Repeat for all nodes. Enter the commands:

sudo su -
vi /etc/selinux/config

Inside the config file, change SELINUX=disabled

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Under Authentication, change

PermitRootLogin yes

Now we can login into instance-2/3/4 from instance-1 without password

Ensure that you’ve done the above steps on all nodes. Following which you should reboot all the 4 nodes

Re-login into instance-1 as root user and enter:

hit enter three times

and your keys will be generated under /root/.ssh/

In instance-1, as root user:

cd /root/.ssh

And copy the public key

In cloud console menu, metadata -> sshkeys -> edit -> add item -> enter key and save

Now, in the terminal, on all nodes:
service sshd restart

From instance-1:

ssh instance-2
“yes” to establish connection

Repeat for instance-3 and 4

Cluster setup is completed for 4 nodes on Google Cloud Platform

Installing JAVA

In order to install Java, please visit this link. The above link will allow you to download and install Java on instance-1

Lets install it on the other nodes now:

Copying the jdk…rpm to the other nodes
scp jdk….rpm instance-2:/tmp
scp jdk….rpm instance-3:/tmp
scp jdk….rpm instance-4:/tmp
Lets navigate to instance-2 and run the following commands:
ssh instance-2
cd /tmp
rpm -ivh jdk….rpm

Repeat the same steps on instance-3/4

Java is installed on all 4 nodes on Google Cloud Platform

Installing Cloudera Manager

Head over to Cloudera Manager Downloads page, enter your details and hit download. Copy this link

To install CM, change permissions and run the installer.bin
wget <and paste it here>
chmod u+x cloudera-manager-installer.bin
sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin

This window will now open, hit Next and accept all licenses

This launches the Cloudera Manager Login Page. Use admin/admin as credentials

Here’s the Cloudera Manager Homepage

Accept the licenses

There are other options, but this 60 day Enterprise-trial period seems to be the best option

Firewall Configurations

Please review the link to configure the required firewall configurations

This completes part 1 of the Cloudera Manager Installation on Google Cloud Platform. For part 2, please visit this link