My experience at

GUADEC 2023 in Riga, Latvia

Pratham Gupta
2 min readSep 4, 2023
Me presenting at the conference
GNOME Intern Lightning Talks

This summer I traveled to Riga to attend my first international conference, Gnome Users And Developers European Conference (GUADEC) 2023 and true to its promise, the experience that unfolded was nothing short of amazing.

Well, it began with me missing the opening ceremony because I got to the wrong venue (happens in a new city), and then took a cab to the correct venue. With a cup of coffee in one hand and an apple in the other, i entered the venue, got my ID card and started attending the talks.

The venue
The correct venue

The talks were great, were on various topics, most about technology and while some others about society and GNOME’s role in it. My favourite talk for the day was about GNOME design. They showed some very interesting things like GNOME mobile shell, new tilling, new activities button etc.

After the talks, it was time to explore the city, and what better way to do so than talking a walk. Went to old town Riga, passing by the most beautiful Daugava River which flows through the centre of the city.

River view

The days that followed were even more exciting which involved meeting new people, sharing experiences and knowledge, with each interaction unveiling fresh perspectives about the history as well the current working of GNOME.

I don’t want to make this blog too long to read.

Here’s a mandatory pic with the standee.

