Displaying application Breadcrumbs in Vue.js

Pratheek Hegde
3 min readMar 29, 2018

Breadcrumbs are essential if your application has many nested screens. It allows users to keep track of their locations when they are navigating around the app.

Source code for this post is here.

In many frameworks, naive way of implementing it would be by adding breadcrumb metadata in the route definition in an array and then iterating it in every component which needs to show the crumbs. The problem with this approach is we are hardcoding the path and we can’t show crumbs for dynamic params.

If we are to do what I said just now in Vue.js, we could do it this way.

Route definition with static breadcrumbs.

In the snippet above :moon param belongs to the first child of the third route /saturn. This param is determined at runtime and I can’t specify it’s crumb in the breadCrumb property of it’s route definition.

The static crumbs defined above can be displayed by iterating $route.meta.breadCrumbs array in any component.

Dynamic Breadcrumb component

vue-router provides a $route object which represents the state of the current active route. I feel this object provides us enough information to display the crumbs at runtime. The properties I’m interested in are $route.path and $route.matched.

$route.path — A string that equals the path of the current route, always resolved as an absolute path. e.g. "/foo/bar".

$route.matched — An Array containing route records for all nested path segments of the current route. Route records are the copies of the objects in the routes configuration Array (and in children Arrays).

The Route Objectvue-router

Alright, Lets get started. Say I have loaded a component with path /earth/moon, I have added the text for the crumbs in the meta property of my route definitions like below and I want the bread crumbs as Earth > Moon.

The current absolute path for the component can be accessed through $route.path and inside a component I can access it through this.$route.path.

// this.$route.path will be equal to '/earth/moon'let pathArray = this.$route.path.split("/")// pathArray is now ["", "earth", "moon"]// we don't want the first item as it's empty
// pathArray is now ["earth", "moon"]

Now I need to access the breadCrumb property from the meta property of the component’s route definition, for this I will be using $route.matched. For the component /earth/moon the $route.matched would contain two objects as it has matched two routes i.e. /earth and /earth/moon.

0: {path: "/earth", regex: /^\/earth(?:\/(?=$))?$/i, components: {…}, instances: {…}, …}1: {path: "/earth/moon", regex: /^\/earth\/moon(?:\/(?=$))?$/i, components: {…}, instances: {…}, …}

These two objects are the copies of the objects in the routes configuration Array of the /earth and /earth/moon routes.

I can assess breadCrumb property for the /earth component like this


and for /earth/moon like this


Next I will create a new Array of Objects where each Object will have property to and text for each item in the pathArray . Each Object in the Array will represent a crumb. I will name this Array as breadCrumbArray .

Lately, I’m liking to write in Functional Programming style 🤓, so I will use reduce method to simplify this Array creation process.

In the above snippet path property stores the string of the item in pathArray as is, to property will store path for the :to property for the router-link which will triggered when clicking the crumb. In the to property we prefix the previous item’s path if it exist else we assign the current item’s pathto it.

The resulting array of the reducer is assigned to breadcrumbs variable and it will look like this.

{ "path": "earth", "to": "/earth", "text": "Earth" },
{ "path": "moon", "to": "/earth/moon", "text": "Moon" }

The last step would be to wrap the above logic in a vue component. I will use the breadcrumb component of bootstrap-vue to display the bread crumbs.

The final breadcrumb component will look like this

The above logic will also handle dynamic parms as we are picking up the constructed path from $route.path. The crumb text for dynamic params will be the pathitself. You can see this at line 23 in the above snippet, I’m assigning the path if the breadCrumb property doesn’t exist.

Live demo demonstrating everything explained above is here.

Article Originally published on ZeoLearn




Pratheek Hegde

This is the space where I try to slake my writing thirst. Senior Software Engineer at