Signs That Make Your Workplace A Stress Hole

4 min readSep 11, 2022


Work from the office, work from home or remote work — we spend most of our time at work. Due to heavy workload, many jobs are stressful more so with deadlines, work ambiance, nature of work as well as commute. Organizational policies and practices can be the cause of greater stress for employees. Unfortunately, lack of proper leadership and communication channels fail to resolve this issue leading to high attrition rates and absence from work.

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These signs indicate that your workplace is a boiling pot of stress:

1. Ambiguity in the workplace.

No one is clear about what they are doing or why they are doing or how their work is affecting the pipeline which makes workers demotivated. Passing the buck and excuses is the norm and the job profiles are poorly defined. Workers are pulled up for not being proactive and jobs assigned to anyone and everyone. Employees constantly wonder, “ Why am I doing this?”, “ Is there a guideline for this?”. They are left to figure things out on their own and are criticized for not doing so. Abnormal deadlines are set that create chaos.

2. Lack of necessary tools or equipment

Employees are not provided proper WIFI, or equipment needed to get work done and still are expected to. Phone bills are not reimbursed and personal phones are expected to be used for official communication. Proper apps and software and even hardware are not provided. Yet workers are expected to figure out things on their own and face flak when they fail to do so.

3. Favoritism and Inequity:

Lack of fair treatment is a major cause of stress. When workers are not appreciated or recognized or someone undeserving is recognized instead, flag favouritism and is a great demotivator. The appraisal, perks or hike is passed to others all the time even when the work is put in, sometimes more than expected. This, in the name of seniority or the ‘boss buddy’, make workers quit doing their best and settle for doing the bare minimum. Women are often looked down upon in such organizations

4. Bullying and Punitive Bosses

Being punished, yelled at and bullied for work instead of guiding and leading by example are great stressors. Constant bullying affects mental health and sometimes physical repercussions too. Going to work seems like visiting hell.

5. Too Much Time At The Desk

Employees spending too much time at the desk due to a micromanaging company culture is a major put off and causes stress and lack of focus at work. They are required to be at their seats even after shifts and not compensated for. Frequent breaks and stretches are discouraged. Opportunities for social interaction among workers are minimal.

6. Power Games and Insensitive Politics

Workplaces can be a breeding ground for political games where the power seekers target gullible hard-working employees who just want to do their jobs. They claim others’ work as their own or make others do all their work. They go by their rules, playing games to get to the top. Such workers thrive because of a lack of organizational structure and ambiguity in jobs and ill-defined job descriptions promoting favoritism. It is a toxic workplace where its survival of the notorious, and has no place for people who want to do genuine work.

7. Lack of necessary tools or equipment

Employees are not provided wifi, transport, or equipment needed to get work done and still are expected to. Phone bills are not reimbursed when personal phones are used for official communication. Proper apps and software and even hardware are not provided expecting them to figure out things on their own or face flak when they fail to do so.

8. Lack of growth opportunities

Employees are not given clear opportunities for growth and are demotivated and disengaged. They demonstrate poor quality work, a weak company culture, and high employee turnover rates. This added to the poor pay structure is a great demotivator.

9. Poor communication channels

Poor internal communication, miscommunication, reworking and workflow hampers are the norm. A lack of transparency between managers and employees exists and complicates daily operations and has an impact on the overall business, causing stress in all verticals.

10. Weak company culture

When the company has a poor company culture, the team does not align towards a common goal, and employees are not clear on values and mission of the company. This culture causes stress resulting in nonengagement, absenteeism, attrition and bad word of mouth for the organization, low productivity, and job dissatisfaction. It makes it tough for the company to hire new employees as they do not opt for the company as a place of work due to bad reviews.


Human resources must be honed and treated fairly, with clearly defined jobs, good training, effective performance evaluations, and backed with regular appreciation, rewards and awards. This puts an end to job ambiguity and partiality and reduces the scope for office politics. Genuine and strong leadership that supports clear communication, uplifting and inspiring goals, and cares for employees not only reduces stress but also transforms organizations into high-performing ideal places to work.

Originally published at on September 11, 2022.

