How To Take Your Mobile App Through From All The Hurdles?

Pratik Kanada
4 min readSep 5, 2017

Is this what you want to do? Leaving your mobile app right in the mid way just because you are tangled with the challenges. No, right? Well, which project don’t have hurdles, our life say for instance have lots of hurdles. Do we stop living it? We take a break, open our heart to our loved ones, discuss the trouble, fight it and we are back on track. Seeing in this manner, mobile app development is also like our life with ups and downs to tackle. All you need to do is discuss the troubles, take expert advice and find the best alternative to take your mobile app to its ultimate destination i.e App Store. Well, of course, the fight doesn’t end there. There’s a lot to combat beyond that but after putting your heart and soul into the app development process, leaving it mid way is the worst thing you can ever do.

The common troubles that mobile app developers go through are buggy apps, performance struggle, D-day of the project, clients on going feature alteration and yet the pressure to outburst with the quality app. Quite overwhelming and intimidating but certain times, under pressure the even the top app development agency tend to fall for such mistakes that can shut the entire project on the go. Here are some of them to be taken care of.

1) Passing off the D day

Well, commitment is something that builds trust. We all know app development is a heavy investment and something that matters a lot to the business. There are opportunities in the market which can be captured with mobile app launch and that time period surpasses, opportunity won’t wait. This makes timely completion of the project extremely essential.
You will really screw your brand image and lower your reliability score failing to stand on your commitment standards. You can’t blame the unplanned and unwanted challenges for your delayed app deployment. These are actually the part and parcel of the app development process. All these challenges should hit your mind when you give the time and cost estimation to the client not when the delivery time comes. Always keep 15 to 20 days extra for combating such roadblocks heading your way.

2) Surpass the budget if situation demands so

Tech is an ever evolving field where new tools, techniques, frameworks keep on entering the market. Well, even with new advancements, you can’t carry on with the old ones just because you have allocated certain budget and you can’t take the risk of surpassing it. Chances are there that you have clashed with your client with budget upsurge. The client might think you are fooling them and can result in project shutting, but don’t let this back you up. Developing with old tech in tech trendy world will pull you down when it comes to competition.

To refrain from this situation, always be transparent with the clients and keep them updated with the flow of the work, ups and down of the project. This will build a trust flow with the client and when you have such news they will not freak out, instead, they will go with the flow.

3) Overloaded app

Developers work hard to develop a qualitative app and entail the users with all and even more than they expect. Well, many times in the heed of giving more, mobile app development companies insert features that are not really in need and make the app look messy. This is not just about the UI getting screwed but also about the functionality of the app. Overload will make the app to run slow and at times might result in app crash. So, what to do? Nothing it’s very simple, “just keep it simple”. Insert the features which are actually necessary which will, in turn, make the app to look clean and classy. Keeping features simple and navigation easy will make the client adore the app.

4) In tune workflow

Before you say final yes to the client, scrutinize your available resources, needed resources, and a road map to utilize them for the accomplishment of the project. Well, to not to stuck half way on the grounds of lack of resources or budget issues is really upsetting. You can’t get through the planning procedure in a single day. So, take your time, analyze and then come to the conclusion. Assign task to each of the team member based on their skill set, bifurcate the development process into stages and monitor the development. This will assist each and every team member to know their roles and duties which will get the app development done within the time boundaries.



Pratik Kanada

CEO of 360 Degree Technosoft, a mobile app development company. Writes about Leadership, Start-up Quests, Social Media, Latest Tech Trends and Mobile Apps.