Avoiding Common Git Mistakes: A Developer’s Guide

Pratik Tamhane
4 min readSep 28, 2024


Git is an incredibly powerful tool for managing your code, but it can be tricky to master. Developers often make avoidable mistakes that can lead to headaches down the line. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most common Git mistakes and how to prevent them. Whether you’re new to Git or an experienced user, these tips will help keep your workflow smooth and efficient.

1. Proper Naming Conventions

Problem: Inconsistent or unclear naming of files, variables, and commit messages can lead to confusion and disorganization.


  • Stick to a convention: Follow a consistent naming convention such as:
  • camelCase for variables
  • PascalCase for classes
  • kebab-case or snake_case for file names
  • Use descriptive commit messages: Clearly describe what changes were made and why in each commit.
  • Document your conventions: Keep a style guide for reference so that everyone on your team follows the same practices.

2. Large Video File Error

Problem: Committing large files, such as videos, can bloat your repository and exceed GitHub’s file size limits.

Example: The file vid/Rossnowlagh_drone_1.mp4 is 143.25 MB, exceeding GitHub’s 100 MB limit.


  • Compress file size: Ensure large files are below 100 MB before committing.
  • Use Git LFS (Large File Storage): If you need to handle larger files, Git LFS is your friend.
git lfs track "*.mp4"
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "Add video using Git LFS"
  • Optimize files before committing: Always compress large files.
  • Store large assets externally: Consider using cloud storage for assets that don’t need to be in your Git repository.

3. Regular Code Backups

Problem: Failing to back up code regularly can result in the loss of your work if something goes wrong.


  • Commit often: Make frequent commits with meaningful messages to track progress.
  • Use branches: Develop features and fix bugs in separate branches to keep the main branch clean.
  • Automate backups: Implement CI/CD pipelines to automatically push backups to a remote repository.

4. Reviewing Code and Commits

Problem: Unreviewed code can contain errors or not meet project standards, causing problems later on.


  • Code reviews: Ensure that all code is reviewed by another team member before being merged.
  • Automate checks: Use linters and Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines to catch errors early in the process.
  • Pre-commit hooks: Implement Git hooks to run checks before committing to ensure code quality.

5. Testing Before Committing

Problem: Pushing untested code can introduce bugs and break functionality in the production environment.


  • Write tests: Always include unit and integration tests to verify your code.
  • Manual testing: Test your changes locally before committing them.
  • Continuous Integration: Set up CI tools to run automated tests on every new commit or pull request to catch issues early.

6. Documentation and Communication

Problem: Poor documentation and lack of communication can lead to confusion and errors.


  • Document changes: Write clear documentation for significant changes and new features.
  • Track tasks: Use issue tracking tools to assign and manage tasks, ensuring that the whole team is aligned.
  • Communicate regularly: Make sure to update your team on your progress and any issues that arise.

7. Regularly Updating Dependencies

Problem: Outdated dependencies can introduce security vulnerabilities or cause compatibility issues.


  • Check for updates regularly: Keep your project dependencies up-to-date to avoid security risks and incompatibility.
  • Test after updates: Always run your tests after updating dependencies to ensure that nothing is broken.

By adhering to these best practices, you can avoid common Git mistakes and keep your workflow smooth and organized. Regular code backups, clear documentation, consistent naming conventions, and automated checks are essential to maintaining a clean and efficient Git workflow.

Happy coding!

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Pratik Tamhane
Pratik Tamhane

Written by Pratik Tamhane

brings a unique modern UI. I blend human intuition with cutting-edge tech to craft innovative digital experiences. As a multidisciplinary designer & developer