Basics of Linux

Pratik Rohekar
1 min readJan 10, 2023


Linux is a Unix-like operating system, which means that it is similar in many ways to other operating systems that are based on Unix, such as Solaris and macOS. It is composed of the Linux kernel, which is the core of the operating system, and a variety of other software that is built on top of the kernel.

The Linux operating system is organized in a hierarchical file system. This means that all the files and directories on the system are organized in a tree-like structure, with the top of the tree being the root directory (designated as ‘/’). All other files and directories are located underneath the root directory.

One of the most important features of Linux is that it is a command-line based operating system. This means that users interact with the system by typing commands into a command-line interface, rather than using a graphical user interface (GUI) as in Windows. However, many Linux distributions come with GUI-based interfaces that make it more user-friendly.

