Product Managers: ever wanted to create and launch your *own* product?

Eddie Pratt
2 min readSep 28, 2015

PART 3: Promoting your product.

Which do you think drove the most website hits?

Number 1 on for a day, Top 10 on Product Hunt, Email, or Twitter?

I created and self-published a tool called Product Snacks — Bite-sized Learning for Product Managers earlier this year, and started selling them around the world on Amazon.

I tried several experiments to drive traffic to and kept track of the number of site hits so that I could share the results with you.

Here are some of the main things I tried:

See the actual web page hits from below. Page Views correlated very well with sales. Thanks to all the teams for the kind mentions and promotional opportunities!

I can’t be more pleased, as people love Product Snacks. They’re using them in England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Belgium, Estonia, USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, and Malta.

Page views on with activities that drove the views

In this series of articles I’m sharing my learning as I create, launch and grow Product Snacks — Bite-sized Learning for Product Managers.

Products Snacks: Product Management Essentials (Cards), by Eddie Pratt available from Amazon UK to ship worldwide.

Product Snacks — Bite-sized Learning for Product Managers.



Eddie Pratt

Author of @ProductSnacks Freelance Product Manager Occasional Photographer. Ex Silicon Valley. Now in UK.