Beyond Boundaries — Navigating Cloud Challenges in B.Tech Adventures

6 min readNov 16, 2023


GDSC and Me: A SME’s Journey through Cloud Technology

Hey there! I’m CH. Pravalika, currently in my third year studying B.Tech, specializing in IoT at Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management. During my second year, I got intrigued by cloud computing through the GDSC cloud campaign. Even though I learned about it in theory, I craved hands-on experience. That’s when I joined GDSC and dived into their cloud program, loving the practical learning it offered.

In my third year, I took a chance and applied for R&D and PR roles within our GDSC chapter. Guess what? I landed the role of a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Cloud technology! It was unexpected but exciting. I jumped in as a Cloud Facilitator, even though it was different from what I was used to. I embraced the challenge with enthusiasm. This opportunity broadened my horizons and sparked a passion for making an impact in the dynamic world of cloud technology.

Behind the Scenes: Cohort-2 Registration Buzz

We chose Cohort-2 because lots of students were busy with internships during Cohort-1. We kicked off with a dummy registration form and a cool poster for our cloud campaign. The response blew us away — we got a whopping 450 registrations! But handling this huge interest was a new challenge.

To manage it all, we split the process into two phases. In Phase 1, our core team carefully checked the registered students’ backgrounds. We sorted out the most promising ones as ‘in consideration.’ Then, in Phase 2, we had personal talks with the rest to gauge their excitement and commitment. Based on those chats, we personally helped 160 exceptional students register.

We didn’t stop there! We teamed up with MCET College and hooked up 50 of our top students with their program. This whole process of sifting through enthusiasm and making these partnerships has been tough but incredibly rewarding.

Dynamic Gen AI Engagement

Immediately upon receiving enrollment confirmations, we swiftly organized an online meeting for two distinct batches — the initial 100 participants formed Batch-1, while the subsequent 100 formed Batch-2. The objective was to ensure flawless acceptance and application of the access codes provided. Within a remarkable span of three days, we arranged an intensive offline session spanning 3 hours for each batch due to the unavailability of space. Prior to this, I meticulously completed all eight labs of Gen AI, ensuring a deep understanding, and encouraged my core team to do the same, empowering them to assist students effectively during the session. Despite these challenges, the majority of attending students successfully finished six Gen AI labs. However, with the imminent Gen AI week deadline looming, we felt the pressure and swiftly arranged additional online sessions for Batch-1 in the evening of same day and Batch-2 the following day. Despite the intensity, our efforts were rewarded handsomely as our target of at least 120 Gen AI completions was not only met but surpassed, culminating in a staggering total of 131 completions. This endeavor showcased our adaptability and commitment, navigating challenges while ensuring the success of our participants.

Strategic Cloud Program Advancement

After reaching 131 Gen AI completions, To tackle the cloud computation pathway, we made a plan: three labs per day, fitting with the program’s remaining days. Our goal? To ensure everyone kept learning. With my team of eight overseeing 15 students each, we kept a close eye on how everyone was doing. Coordinating 210 students wasn’t easy, but we found a structured way to make it work.

checking on their progress every other day through my team. At first, only one person finished both Gen AI and Cloud pathways. So, we came up with an idea: spotlighting the top 80 completions on our gdsc_hitam Instagram page with names and photos. We wanted to keep the excitement going, especially during the holidays.

The results blew us away. In just a few days, completions skyrocketed: 40 on October 17th and an amazing 65 on the 18th, pushing us into Tier 2. What surprised us was that hitting 65 completions felt even better than reaching 93 on October 19th. We didn’t push — our focus was on guiding. As the deadline neared, 120 students finished the Cloud course out of the initial 159, showing their dedication. And 30 out of 50 students from MCET College completed the Cloud pathway, showing how far-reaching and successful the program was.

From Challenges to Triumph: Cloud Campaign Saga

Picture this: a whirlwind Cloud campaign where we were flooded with 450 registrations right off the bat. Choosing the cream of the crop — 150 students — was no walk in the park. We had a mission: handpick the most dedicated souls, learning from past experiences. Phase-1 involved Sherlock-style background checks, marking the potentials for consideration. Phase-2? Think of intense interaction sessions where dedication shone through. But hold on, logistics threw us a curveball: space constraints forced us into two batches, morning and afternoon, with back-to-back online sessions ensuring completion of 8 Gen AI labs for batch-1, and a repeat for batch-2 the next day. Surprisingly, only a handful made the cut for cloud and Gen AI pathways. So, to jazz things up, we flaunted the first 80 students on our gdsc_hitam Instagram — talk about making an impact! This move ignited a fire of excitement among the students, keeping the buzz alive.

Fueling Excitement: The Impact of our Cloud Campaign on GDSC Students

The cloud campaign really shook things up in our GDSC chapter. Can you believe it? More than 210 students dove into this opportunity and soaked up all the knowledge it offered. And guess what? 150 students — 120 from HITAM and 30 from MCET College — finished the campaign, proudly showing off their completion certificates and craving more learning.

It’s like a switch flipped! Our students are super excited now. They can’t wait for the next GDSC events — they’re practically bouncing with anticipation. This campaign didn’t just make a splash; it sparked a fire of curiosity and excitement among our eager learners.

Beyond the Classroom: Learning with GDSC

In our interactions with the community, we’ve encountered various mindsets and learning styles. Among the students, there were a few who took a bit more time to grasp concepts. I found myself repeating explanations two or three times, and surprisingly, this experience boosted my patience levels. It was an enlightening time spent with all the community members, and these interactions significantly expanded our network. Adapting to different learning speeds not only helped others but also taught us valuable lessons in patience and adaptability.

GDSC Diaries: Navigating Experience and Learning

The duration of this campaign stands out as the most impactful period for me. It challenged and ultimately shattered many of my fears. Initially, the idea of speaking in front of others, whether online or offline, used to make me tense and anxious. But as it became my responsibility, I decided to confront this fear. Gradually, I conquered my fear of public speaking. Through this campaign, our unity and friendships within our core committee grew stronger. I used to doubt my ability to lead sessions before, but now I feel confident enough to take on any kind of session with enthusiasm and assurance.

Conquering Challenges: A Journey of Resilience and Collective Triumph in Education

Navigating through the myriad of challenges faced by our students, from troubleshooting lab problems to dealing with lost enrollment emails, exceeding lab limits, grappling with monthly subscriptions, and managing limited credits, presented a formidable yet rewarding journey. Surpassing these hurdles brought an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, akin to a child in a candy store! It epitomized the stark contrast between my roles as a facilitator and an enthusiastic learner in the grand game of problem-solving Olympics. Being able to guide and assist students through these obstacles not only showcased resilience but also encapsulated the joy of overcoming hurdles together, fostering a sense of collective achievement that transcends mere success. Our dedication and commitment propelled us to secure the 6th position among the top 20 institutions in Cohort-2.

Wrap Up

Here concludes our journey, not too far ahead, not trailing behind. This is the culmination of our ongoing efforts, shared with you in the month of October.

