How a Leak led to Blooms

Pravalika Maram
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Once there lived a farmer. He had only two pots: one of them was a strong and sturdy one without any cracks or holes while the other one was strong but had a small hole in the middle.

The farmer had to use these pots to get water from a lake that was pretty far from his house. One of them had water up to the brim when he reached home while the other one had only half of the water filled.

This continued for many days. Finally, the pot with a hole got really upset and said to the farmer, “O farmer, why are you using me? I’m not even able to provide the required water for you. I’m so useless.”

The farmer smiled and replied, “O silly pot! Don’t be so upset. There is a reason for everything. Did you ever see the wonderful plants and flowers you helped to grow? The water that was leaking led to the growth of nice, healthy flowers along the path that we take every day. Without you, these flowers wouldn’t have existed. Everything has its own unique purpose and you have been fulfilling it perfectly.”

Hearing this, the pot felt better and despite its flaws, it had a significant role to play. From then on, the pot was no longer sad and was proud about the path it created. The farmer continued to appreciate both the pots because he knew that they were created for their own purposes.

What have you learnt from this story? Let me know in the comments box!

